The Past: What is dead may never die

in HiveGhanalast month

Today's action will somehow, some way and someday be tomorrow's past, so we need to be careful of things we do today for we don't know where we will be tomorrow because we can't predict what tomorrow will bring but we can anticipate it based on what we do today. So many relationships have been going well suddenly break up due to the revelation of the past of one of the partners.

So many and numerous challenges come with being in a relationship with someone who has a shady past which they never informed you at the beginning of such relationship. It can be really tough and almost impossible to move on from the past and put all of your trust in someone new. You will definitely keep on having doubts but that can be solved partially with Love, if the love they share is truthful.

For a lot of people and I'm also included in this. We assume it's impossible to forget what has happened in the past. And if you’re the partner of someone with a shady past, you know how it can be really hard for your spouse to open up to you, knowing how you will react to such. In the long run, you might get to know from another source and you will feel betrayed and angry and some partners might not get to know about it throughout the lifecycle of the relationship.

It’s important to remember that the past can be destructive, but it doesn’t have to be the cause of the end of a relationship. If both partners are willing to work together, they can move on from the past and create a brighter future beacause there's beauty in what is yet to be created than what had happened. With trust and understanding, the relationship can move forward and create awesome memories that will exceed what ever past each partners had.

But what about the relationships where both parties are open and share each other's past?. A relationship whereby each partner keep nothing from each other, you will notice that such relationship is more connected because they've let go of the need to hide things and they've realized that not everyone can be perfect during his/her journey in life. They've realized that they've made mistakes in the past and they've learn from those mistakes.

Talking about the past with your spouse can be a great way to clear any doubt and prevent surprises down the road. Some people prefer to do this from the very beginning and i think this is the best because you're pouring out yourself out there and if they truly love you and really want you, they will definitely still want the relationship to work out regardless of what happened in the past. while others prefer to wait until they're more comfortable and this is what most people do and it either works out or not. Either way, it's an important conversation when discussing your past with your partner.

For me personally, i believe that the past is a great teacher. It can help us to understand who we are and how we got to where we are. We should never forget our past, especially the bad times because they have made us stronger and for us to be still alive and still trying to do our best, that means we are fighters and we've also learn from our mistakes and made sure it never happened again.

We should always ensure to create a healthy environment, let your partner be comfortable enough to share their past and fears with you, to avoid surprises in future. Be open with them and make them safe and also listen to them whenever they want to have sudden discussions with you. Also, never use their past in abusing or mocking them because that's disrespectful and this will make them never want to be open next time they want to have such discussions with you. During a fight or misunderstanding, don’t mention things about their past which they told you. It hurts a lot, it's like breaking someone's Trust and I'm talking from experience because i underwent it during my last relationship.

Truly, not everyone is comfortable with talking about their darkest secrets to anyone. It can be quite embarrassing and since one isn't sure where the relationship is heading, it's expected of one to be scared of opening up. The probability of the other partner sharing your deepest secrets with others when the relationship is over is also there, hence the reason why most people do choose to remain silent about their past and they can't be blame about their decisions.

One of the ways to avoid a shady past is to live a pleasant today because today have a part to play in tomorrow's life. Live life in such a way that, ten years from one when you look back at what you've done you won't have any regret anything that you have done, instead it will be lessons you will forever value. Try to live a decent life now and i know it's not easy to life that kind of life in this generation due to been exposed to different things. It's not too late to start living a decent life noe and stop whatever you might be doing because it might get back at you when you least expected.

Today is another day, try to make difference in your life byt living more decent than you've ever been. No one is truly a saint, we might have had stains from our past and it's time to start making corrections to those stains that can be changed.

Thanks for Reading ✨✨✨🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷


You know the thing with girls? When you fight them, they just tend to pour your past and your secrets, like everything with no filter.
That’s the reason why for me I like to even forget my past so that there’s nothing to even tell anyone for them to use against me in a future argument

I have learnt from my past and I don't do that again

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