in HiveGhana5 months ago

If someone had told me that January would be this tedious, I wouldn’t have believed it. I had planned this January to be a little stressful but I didn’t sign up for an exhausting January.

The beginning of January was fair, I had some happy times like hanging out with friends and family. Things took a turn when school resumed and everything rapidly began to change.

I was supposed to rent an apartment before resuming, although, I have been searching for an apartment online but I didn’t see any house that suits me. It is either the house is not nice or the house is expensive or it is far from school.

When it was resumption time, I was quite convinced that I would easily get an apartment since I was around the school area, and I could easily inspect houses. So, I decided to squat at my sister’s friend's place for two-three days for me to find my own place. but I spent more days and even traveled home on some days

Her place was very close to school, so it was a good place to stay but in another sense, it was the worst place to stay. There was no light there not even a flicker, the electricity was faulty. so that automatically means that there was no water. We had to go fetch water from a community well.

Her house was upstairs and it was very stressful to keep pulling a bucket of water upstairs. Besides that, there were a lot of mosquitoes there, it makes me wonder how they cope. Every single night, I woke up countless times due to the mosquitoes and at the end of the day, I won’t get enough sleep.

It would have been nice if the school were treating me any better. There is usually no network in my faculty, when there is a combined class, the class is usually filled up and so annoying and stressful, that sometimes I wouldn’t even find a space.

Also, I rarely see a spot to charge in school, it either is filled up or the socket gets spoiled. After class, I would scour around my faculty market to charge my phone for a while.

Finding an apartment was the worst experience. We all know how agents for houses behave here in Nigeria. after agents showed me a house online or they promised me that I would like the house.
Just for me to go there, and see that the house was a total rubbish, with that, I wasted my time, and transportation fee, and the agent also collected an inspection fee, sometimes I even skipped lectures. I can’t count how many places I went to with different agents.

Well, I’m glad I found a place after two weeks where there’s constant electricity, Even this house has unexpectedly been stressing me out, some repairs to be done.

I hope February treats me well.

Images are mine


January is always the toughest month especially for individuals with lots of responsibilities but it's gets better when you plan it out. I hope February treats you better!

Happy new year, dear.

Happy new year. How are you doing?

Yeah. I agree with you. There are somethings you have to do at the beginning of the year.

I hope so too.

Looking for an apartment could be stressful. The agents are something else. They will sweet talk you to believe than an unseen apartment is the best.

For real… they just sugarcoat things.

It is very annoying

I had such experience before and I had felt the same way, frustrated and downed.
Most times it's not the fault of agent sha.

I guess most of us has experienced house renting.

They are not always straightforward actually

School on it's own is stressful, you now combine it with house hunting. The lord is your strength sis.

Hehe. Very annoying

In life, a person has to face many problems. We must deal with these issues and move forward. Let's forget the worst moments of this January and move forward

January also took a different turn for me the moment I resumed school 🥺, running from one place to another to get things done before deadline.

Yay! 🤗
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