Believe it or Not I Am Special [Week 49]

in HiveGhanalast month (edited)

Understanding the act of self love helps to boast our confidence in life and overcome all challenges. I believe A Man must first learn to love himself first before he can discover his personality and passion in life. Life is a long journey that has so many obstacle that could affect our mental stability or cause emotional damage to us and can also lead to physical damage.


So many people have lost them self to life due to not understanding what self love means. The bedrock of self love should start from the home, whereby parent must train us to love our self and also love everyone around us.

You can’t love people around you if you don’t love yourself, growing up made me understand this aspect. We must first love ourselves so also we can love everyone around us.

Although self love has its own negativity. Most people categorized self love as a greedy act or I don't care but it's not true, that is an act that those not portrays self love but selfishness. Self-love involves you knowing your worth for the sake of your own well being and happiness by doing what is pleasant to your love calls.

I grew to love myself and understanding my worth Through Motivations and encouragement from friends and family. I have been a victim of depression, decline and unhappiness but when I was told and made to understand that I AM SPECIAL, that no matter what the world does to me am good nature, am great I was motivated to always act in the right way.



Goals of self love

  • self love helps to discover the potentials in us; We must first love our self to able to discover our potential and great things we can do

  • Improves our self esteem; self love helps us to cultivate a healthy self esteem for a happy life. We must first love our self to help improve our self esteem

  • Self love helps us to stay motivated to achieve our goals

  • Self Respect; self love helps us to give our self self respect to achieve our goals and objectives

How we can have Self Love

  • Always stay Motivated in all you face in life

  • Always forgive yourself if you did wrong or there is action you took that went wrong

  • Be Aware of your strength and weakness; know your flaws as this can help you overcome any struggles or challenges you may face in life

  • live a Positive lifestyle; Always stay positive in everything you do and never ever relent in making your decision or taking the steps you feel is right

  • Let go of Negative Vibes; this can affect one’s way of thinking and understanding things.

  • Give your self time and rest hours.

I will encourage everyone out there, to love yourself and stay motivated, don’t allow little pressures affect your thoughts or weigh you down do not ever be depressed always know you are special and you mean the world to someone. Do not forget to always Do you best in everything you do.

Everyone is Special !!

This is My Entry to the Hive Ghana weekly contest on (Self Love)

All Image are Owned By Me