Public Transportation: Love It or Hate It, We Can Make It Better

in HiveGhanalast month

I feel so excited to be writing and sharing with us my public transport experiences, it has been terrible and sometimes I don't wish to be going through that everyday stress.
First of all there are some public transport that are very enjoyable to use. I haven't entered those ones before but I hope to enter soon....

I'll be sharing with us my first public transport experience.
I woke up as at about 6.30 because of the traffic were d always plenty for road...


See me rushing to the bathroom because I know that definitely,if I no baff enter public transport... We go smell..🤣😅
Evey morning before I leave to school I usually use roll-on, perfume and spray because of the horrible smell I used to encounter ....

The first thing I don't like in public transport is

Body odour
The smell of body odour in public transport is miserable, someone can die seg... Imagine full grown woman sitting beside you and be smiling like over ripe pawpaw.. like, what the heck...
I won't even talk about those guys trying to talk to woman, they will open their mouths and the next thing that will follow will be rubbish... Like don't you people brush to work... This is public transports for goodness sakes not your room...

Peeping inside someone's phone
This is one of the rubbish I hate so much inside public transport, you go remove your phone from bag wan press, and people from east,south ,west, north OOO go the peep, small thing I wan do Dem go the read everything I d do... That was the reason why I had to purchase privacy screen for myself, so that when the stretch their neck, they won't see anything.

Too much people, no breathing space
Some drivers don't have conscience
They know very well that the space available is for 6 people... But they prefer us to be uncomfortable and they will inconvenient us by adding 10 more people to that small space for their selfish reason thereby suffocating us with our's always so annoying.

Sitting at the back, and spitting through the front window
Like, human being with brain will sit down afar and you are stretching your neck to spit out making your smelling saliva touch us, like this little things disgust me and makes me feel like throwing up...


My tips for navigating public transportation on your daily ride

For me,
Driver should be considerate
These drivers should help us, they should consider the fact that we are humans and we need clean oxygen to breathe... They should stop making it look like their own worse...
If 6 people are meant to be sorted there, then 6 people it is not 25

They should introduce what we call tickets so that it will make the journey easy, no be to the rush everytime, someone will push me and pass because I short, I go d struggle. It's not nice.

They should introduce the use of bank apps for easy payment
Majority of the times I ho to school late because of lack of change... And sometimes, I don't even have cash, I'm someone that doesn't hold cash, I prefer transferring....
In that cash, they should program anything that can give us access to scan and send their money with ease without waiting for change....

I know there are other ways to make public transportation convenient and smooth for both passengers and drivers.

Have a lovely night
@mmenyene cares ❣️

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I know someone who always have cold like twice in a month because of body odour. Maybe we should start sharing deodorants in public transport because it’s really bad.

That's the first time I'm hearing of body odour cold Sha

I thought the same...
As the way of spreading love at the same time passing information.
Dem don come discomfort me with my money into say I no get car na


You see that issue of body odor is just what I don't know how to deal with especially early morning when some people do not have their bath before living

I don't know were they are always rushing to..
It's very irritating
We go do giveaway for roll-on and perfume

honestly, e reach to do giveaway

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