What is the offense of a man?

in HiveGhana25 days ago

It was my year of service, and I stayed on the hotel premises because I didn't want to spend extra money to rent an apartment. And of course, both ladies and guys are using the same hostels but not the same rooms. You won't expect us to use the same rooms anyway.

The rate at which they jam-packed guys into a single room looks like we are now begging for them to release a room for us. Meanwhile, you will hardly see two ladies in one room but then six boys in a single room.


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What pissed me off was that this is our right because we are working for them anyway. Imagine someone who isn't serving again but is still in the hotel just because she's a lady. I mean something they cannot tolerate for guys. Meanwhile, they are not. There are more free hostels, but they can put seven guys in a single room. At some point, it looked like a prison. Well, is it not? In a room where there are more than four people, there is also a prison.

As if that wasn't all. Anytime they summon people to the office, especially people who are not doing what they are supposed to do, all they call are guys. I meant there will not be a single lady among them, and none of these ladies are working well like the guys.

The fact is, what have men done to men? They spare all the females in the hostel and scold all the boys, even after all they had done. Although I'm different, if you scold me, I will scold you back. I, as a person, don't give a damn; if you talk to me anyhow, I will give it back to you regardless of who you are.


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I do not have any issues with you pampering a woman; of course, it is normal, but taking one gender over another is what used to piss me off. Have you ever been in a situation where you felt like you were not a human being too? What have guys done to guys that they had to pick ladies all the time and dumb us?

On every different occasion, ladies always have a good privilege over guys. What annoys me most are guys who also suffer to make their money but still go ahead and scold their young guys over a woman.

You can't go to a company with a beautiful woman and think you will have the job when the two of you are competing for the same job. Forget your skills or what you can do better; ladies always have their ways with everything.


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Back in our university days. There is this man who loves women more than his own life. Believe me if this man tells you that you are going to fail his courses. There is absolutely nothing you can do not to fail his courses. I mean, no matter how good you want to be, you will still fail. Meanwhile, even if you want to report him, they will still not listen to you. They all believe they are superior, and nothing anyone can do to that.

But then it's a reverse case when it's women. Ladies passes; he's course like no one does.
Let's check social media and real life; even children will pick their mom over their fathers. I still don't know when we got it all wrong. I'm not saying women don't do what it takes or also pass through a lot of things, but the fact is that regard is not being given to men the way it has been given to women. You will see boys mentioning their mother in public on social media and abandoning their father.

Believe me, you will hardly even see one person praise his father in public. I'm sure men are not that bad. But no one recognizes us. Just because we are strong doesn't mean we don't deserve better.

If you are a lady and you meet yourself in an unknown place, there is 80% assurance that you will survive because there will be people to support you. People who don't even know you at all. But if you are a man and you have traveled to unknown places, believe me, you might not survive it, and if you do, you won't be normal because you have to fight a lot of things.

Sometimes I just think a lot about what I have done to deserve this. No opportunities. No support. Just hard work and depression. But yet, they end up saying you are not doing enough.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Man tend to struggle than the ladies that’s why ladies can survive anywhere than the men