My leisure time (free time)

in HiveGhana10 months ago

Despite our daily schedule and activities, working hard each day to achieve greater goal for ourselves and for our family, we all deserve to have a leisure time to rest, think,relax, enjoy and do things we love or find pleasure in.


Leisure time shouldn't be overlooked by any of us, because it promotes good physical and mental health, and reduces anxiety, it's a period that gives joy and fulfillment to one, balancing our work-life will help us create time for ourselves and prevent burnout,stress, loss of joy in life, poor performance and decrease in personal growth which is cause by steady working and no leisure time.

I personally always create time (leisure time) to think, relax, I do things I love, and recharge,I do this on weekly basis and I never let anything deny me of this time. And I will love to share some of the things I do on my leisure time.


Watching movies is always the first thing I do when am free, it is a form of entertainment that allows me forget daily happenings and help me reduce stress, it also builds my emotions because I always try to feel the same way the actor is feeling on the scene. Although most people see movies as waste of time and something that doesn't have positive impact on one's life, I personally don't see it that way because I have learned a lot from it and it is never a waste of time.
So, watching movies is the first thing I always do in my leisure time, I will love to share benefits I have received by watching them.

  1. Exposure: Movies have also exposed me, this is because I have learned about different countries, cultures, tradition, customs and have heard different languages with the help of movies.

  2. Bonding: I mostly watch movies with my friends or family members, special my little sister, just like me she is a fan of movies and most times when we are watching movies we interact with each other and I found out her take in the movie we watch, I always ask her questions like, if it was you in that position that the actor was in "what we you have done". Questions like this helps me know her view on certain issues, and we also share our experience in those moments, likewise when am watching it with all my family members it helps me to get to know them better, spend time with them and also share our views and experience, Me and my family members always watch movies together during weekends, so it is included in our weekend activities and we always cherish that moment.

  3. Information and learning: Can movies be a means of information? yes is the answer, I have received many current world information with the help of movies, when I watch some movies I tell myself "so this is what is currently happening" and then smile a bit. And when it comes to learning, some movies are based on true live event and things that are happening in the world which we should be careful of not being one of the victims, it makes it viewers to see the world more clearly and the need to abstain from harmful practices and the consequences people face because of doing bad things, including why we should know who we associate with.

  4. Source of happiness: I hardly laugh but when am watching movies that have comedy scenes, is hard for me to control my laugh, I laugh and laugh that people around start looking at me and seeking to know the source of my happiness, this have improved my mood and my well-being.

This are the top benefits I have received by watching movies and that's why I will continue watching them in my leisure time.

When it comes to movies I love watching, I watch less American movies and more of, Africa magic and zeeworld, whenever I pick my gotv remote that's the channel I usually play.




Reading is another think I do on my leisure time, I love reading my Bible and Bible based publications, apart from that I don't joke with inspirational books and quotes I love reading them because they fuel my energy to do more in live. I have a mini library in my apartment that I always go to and pick books that I read each time a less busy. I also love making research and reading updated information and news, to be informed and active

One should not joke with reading and that's why I don't joke with it, reading expands my knowledge and help me acquire more knowledge and ideas, it makes my brain to be active, and lastly it improves my memory, because I love to remember word to word everything I read. So whenever I am not watching movies I pick up a book and read.


People normally think that females are they one's to do the cooking, but despite being a male, I can prepare tasty meals that you can't resist, Yes that's true I love cooking and am good that, one day when you taste my food you will testify.

This is me doing my cooking


Food gives me more nutrients and strength that I need for my day to day activities, in my leisure time I can eat all day nonstop and whenever am watching movies food must be my side, eating while watching a movie gives a special feeling that I can't even explain, only those that does that will understand that kind of feeling. No wonder they sell popcorn and snacks at movie center's and cinemas. So cooking and eating food is also on my leisure time list.


Music heals and uplift my soul, it boost my emotions, sometimes when am feeling say listening to music can change my mood and I will be happy and excited, when am listening to music I think less about my problem because I concentrate on the song and it's lyrics, it also help me no that love is so unique and that's why we all should give it a chance, and the fact that I should keep pushing no matter how hard it is, that's why I love listening to it in my leisure time.

My music list 👇👇



Is true that we all have to work hard to meet up with our daily needs, BUT we need to create time (leisure time) for ourselves, working hard is not bad rather working hard without rest is and can cause more harm than good to us, our body needs to relax, recharge and rest, so we shouldn't deny our body this essential things because of our busy schedule.

I love the fact that I always create leisure times for myself and you should do the same, leisure time that i give myself has help me improve mentally, physically and emotionally, it has also boost my productivity, creativity and reduced stress for me.

FINALLY, always be ready to give yourself a LEISURE TIME.


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It is really important that we take some time out of our busy schedule to relax. this is really important for our health

True, taking some time to rest helps improve our health.

it's good to take some time out from our schedule to relax thanks for the post

True, making time for ourselves is very important so we can relax and recharge.

You go like enjoyment oo. 🤣
One should endeavor to create leisure time despite the busy schedule because it helps a great deal to refreshing one.

Who no like enjoyment 😀
Creating leisure time for ourselves just like you said is very important.