World Sight Day is Coming... Here's a Few Things You should Know

in HiveGhana9 months ago (edited)

Hello to everyone,

It is always a pleasure to be here and to share my knowledge in healthcare, specifically the eye with you at all times. For those of you who may be new to my blog, I am Dr. Ben-Nathaniel Fosu, a licensed Optometrist in Ghana with the Allied Health Professional Council and a keyboardist.


image by @nattybongo

I have been on the blockchain for a while now, let's just say a few years and since my time here I have always been about eyecare and today is not really going to be any different. Today I will be bringing to your attention one of the internationally celebrated health days within the eye sector and pointing out a few things we ought to know.

I do hope you stick around for the read and I certainly do pray that you enjoy the read and learn a thing or two about your ocular health and this celebration.

World Sight Day and What it Means to "us"

The World Sight Day global event as supported by many internal organizations such as the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB) and the like seeks to not only draw attention to our ocular health as I have been doing on the blockchain but also provide an avenue to health the deprived and also provide free healthcare across the globe on this day.


image by @nattybongo

Each year there is a theme that guides the celebration and this year the theme is focusing on our ocular health at the workplace, "Love Your Eyes at Work Place". It is going to be all sorts of fun, educational, and full of charitable activities. I have been partaking in this celebration for the past 7 years now and I can say if you should take advantage of the opportunities it comes with you would do a whole lot for your ocular health.

Aside from this, there are also going to be exciting challenges such as the photo challenge. The categories go for both professional and amateur image producers, the focus is on ocular health though and one stands the chance to win professional cameras as well as cash prizes of up to 1000 dollars. You can read more at the official website.


image by @nattybongo

So World Sight Day is going to be celebrated on the 12th of October this month, actually, it is celebrated on the 2nd Thursday of every October and there are going to be lots of free eye healthcare all across the globe as well as education. Do not miss the opportunity to take care of your eyes for free, and get discounted prices on lenses as well as surgical procedures for your ocular health. Book an appointment with your Optometrist today. With a beautiful theme about our eyes and our workplace, I will be talking about ocular ergonomics very shortly.


Until then, I hope that this write-up gets you ready to celebrate your eye health with all of us globally. I am grateful for your time in reading what I have to share with you today and I am hoping that you learned a thing or two from what I had to share with you.

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image by @nattybongo

While I wrap up our session today, I would like to remind you to take better care of your eye, avoid over-the-counter medication without proper care by a certified healthcare provider, and when in doubt always speak to your Optometrist and do well to stay safe. It is always a pleasure serving you. Cheers!

Further Reading

Wiedemann P. (2022). LOVE your eyes--World Sight Day 2022. International journal of ophthalmology, 15(10), 1567–1568.

Hennig, A., Kumar, J., Singh, A. K., Ansari, A., Singh, S., Gurung, R., & Foster, A. (2002). World Sight Day and cataract blindness. The British journal of ophthalmology, 86(7), 830–831.


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