The Fading Vows: Is Marriage Still Relevant in Today's World?

in HiveGhana25 days ago
Comparing marriages of today to marriage during the times of our forefathers, we realize that there’s a huge difference between them. Those days, even though I wasn’t there but from the stories I have heard, I believe things were a lot more different than it is today.

Those days, there was no technological advancement like we are enjoying today but marriage was still beautiful. Beautiful in the sense that, both parties understood what they were in for and most people married for love and not for other reasons. I can’t say same for our current generation.

The rate of divorce in our world today is quite alarming if you ask me. Day in, day out we hear of this and that person getting a divorce and it has even become a normal thing. Even your favorite celebrities from four years ago have probably gotten a divorce now.

Our generation has been made to think that marriage is a bed of roses but let no one lie to you. Marriage is a whole world on its own. I haven’t been really active on social media for some months now but I happen to come across some news a few days go. So, there’s this musician in Ghana called Medical who’s married to this lady Fella Makafui who’s an actress, entrepreneur and what have you. I don’t really follow their lives but I believe they have been married for some years now and they even have a kid. Long story short, they’re getting a divorce.

That’s not even the funny part. This is where it gets interesting. So, the husband, Medical has resorted to posting their personal business about their divorce on Snapchat. Talking about how the lady abuses him at home and she and her sister even tried to sack him from his own house. He even said they brought police men to his own house to arrest him for nothing.

Later that night, the lady came out with a statement that she prefers to keep their divorce issue private and so we the general public should respect that decision of theirs. The first question I asked myself was, was there a need to bring your marriage business to social media in the first place? I know celebrities who have families yet the keep everything of theirs private. You don’t always need to come online to oppress others. No one cares about what you do with your life but be sure to have everyone talking when things go sideways for you.

Our generation has taken marriage to be a joke. Most people go into marriage for money, social status or even just to oppress others. So many factors come into play when we talk about marriage, it’s more like how you need more than one ingredient to prepare a whole meal. It’s no more ‘till death do us part’ anymore, it’s ‘till when I get bored or fed up’ or ‘till when we divorce’.

Why go into marriage in the first place if you know you can’t hold on to your vows. Some people can be selfish to the extent that they don’t even consider the feelings of the other party or even the kids. They go about doing whatever they want and when things go bad, they play the victim.

I think that the whole issue of marriage in this era has to be revisited all over again. We have lost our priorities and that’s how come most people end up divorcing after a year or two of being married. Let’s stop being delusional and live in the real world. Marriage if from God, if you’re not ready for it don’t go into it!

all images belong to me.


I agree with you that so many factors come into play when it comes to marriage, which is why one has to be ready and completely sure before going into it.

That’s very true. You wouldn’t want to go in and realize things are not how you expected

My cousin was saying that she doesn’t understand why the man came to say all those things….honestly, what’s the point?
We are not part of your family business so why involve us? Charle Charley

Some people are just something else. They want us to sympathise with them.😂😂

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I guess there are lot of cultural differences here... I had lot of pressure to get married from family and society. If your not married, there is discrimination so this is sort of advanced.

Once we get married, we need to have kids and stick to the rotten marriage mostly, allthough divorce is common thesedays.

I say one reason we get married is because of insecurity! We and society fear for women living na...

Yess... if you get married like this, then obviously atleast the person should be rich to make the prospect tolerable. Anyway, I refused to get married when I found someone did not like and accept me for what I am, but I am lucky because I am allowed to, many people are not.

I agree marriage is a private... people would be intimate enough to work it out... relationship, bond, trust, understanding, support, tolerance and yes that love stuff also... I totally agree else no point of can't buy you happiness...yes it can but its not nice thinking of someone as object...

But if that people is Bitcoin, keep them...very valuable

Haha, I surely will keep the bitcoin.

Marriage can be stressful at times and it’s best to go in when you’re ready instead of being forced into it.

I agree, marriage is a gift from God that must be cherished and taken cared of. It takes a lot of work but if couples are committed they can make it 'til the end.

I agree with you. Marriage is sacred and so we need to hold it in high standards.

I just heard of a wedding today and I know it’s going to be very scandalous soon. I don’t even know what all this marriage this is these days. It’s like a competition. Everyone wants to have a wedding and take nice pictures and videos to oppress we the unmarried people. Same way we will still be here when you come out of that marriage to tell your story.
It makes the whole marriage thing unappealing

They don’t know that they can’t give us pressure. Wahala for who is marrying for pressure.😂😂

Big Wahala😂😂