Social media is not really a safe space; mind what you say.

in HiveGhanalast month

Hello, everyone.

Social media has become a part of our lives; there is no day that passes that we do not move from one social media app to the other, either for fun or for the information it carries. Many are even addicted to it, and without visiting the app once or twice a day, they feel incomplete. The advantages attached to social media are quite commendable, but everything with an advantage has a disadvantage as well. It has made the spread of information very easy, but it has also exposed a lot of people to danger without them even knowing until it struck.

designed in canva.

Social media has helped a lot of people get jobs, but a lot of people also lost their jobs as a result of posting what they were not supposed to on social media. Sometime back on Twitter, a Nigerian guy in the UK made a video telling people how he used to be a cat killer back in Nigeria, but people won't believe how much he earns from taking care of cats in the UK. Well, his employees saw the video, and he lost the job. Funny how he came to blame it on Twitter peeps for making the video go viral.

These days, everybody wants to go into content creation, and they end up posting contents that should be kept private just to please people and gain followers. On social media, we have keyboard warriors. These are people who feel that just because we are both on social media, we are automatically mates, and for that reason, they troll and insult people. They don't even need a good reason to rain insults on people. Sometimes your opinion on a certain matter just doesn't sit well with them, and boom, they rain insults.

A manager tweeted about how he refused to give a guy the job because of the type of insults the guy rained on him online, and he managed to recognize him during the interview. In the comment section, some people supported him for doing that, and some said he went too far. For me, I support him because these keyboard warriors are very annoying and always go scot-free. At least this one got to learn his lesson the hard way. As much as we all enjoy social media, it does not mean we are all mates or equal in the space; it's like living life offline; some people in the space deserve our respect.

Companies or firms using social media accounts as criteria before offering the job is quite good; your social media account represents you and speaks for you. In many cases, people got to know each other through social media and were able to draw conclusions about the type of person you are even before meeting you, so your social media account is you. These days, people don't need to meet you before they know you, as with your social media account, they can already draw conclusions until you prove otherwise. Also, you become a representative of any company or firm that employs you; if the character your social media accounts portray could be a dent to the firm, then they need not let that happen.

Thanks for reading my post.


Of course your social media account represents you so it’s not a bad thing for the company that wants to work with you check your socials to see the kind of person you are on social media.

A lot of people paint a different picture online, while living a different life offline.

Thanks for dropping by Eve.

You’re welcome

Keyboard warriors, haha. Sometimes the words heard from these “keyboard warriors” are so painful. It really is necessary to check people’s socials before letting them in your company.

Sometimes these keyboard warriors hit the spot and it feels like they know you from Adam 😂.

You've said it all. Some people say anything they like on social media not knowing that one day, it could come back to haunt them.

One thing we should all have in mind is that social media never forgets, even after years what was said can still come knocking.

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