in HiveGhanalast month

I watched a video where a guy came up and asked who do you love most and thoughts came to my head, I thought about my mom, my dad, my siblings, my close friends, my best friend and all that and the guy said something shocking he asked do you think about yourself and so it dawned on me that I put a lot of efforts to love others than loving myself. I'm not saying loving others is a bad thing but let's face reality.


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Most times I tend to think what would I do this for myself and this other person and I have the ability to do it for the other person and I recently got to understand that you don't give what you don't have so I said oh well this is it I have to give myself love first before I can share out to others


I don't know if it's applies for everyone but in my own opinion I feel self love helps to prevent depression. When a person loves his or herself more than the way they love others or on a balance they tend to not care about what others say. Let me use myself as an example I have this guy. I was older than him but he's a senior in my place of work and I have a big forehead.

When God was giving forehead I ran to the front and collected everything greedily.


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He was always making fun of my forehead at the beginning I was always angry but then I thought about it my forehead is not going anyway it will stay with me for as long as I can estimate so why getting angry this is my forehead I have to deal with it and that was how I got used to him calling me B forehand and all that .


Now let's talk about you can't give what you don't have, you can't love others when you don't love yourself. My grandma would say you can't share a pencil into two halves when you don't have to share, you can only share a pencil when you have one. That's the only way you can share a pencil into two halves and I agree with her because you can't claim to love others when you don't love yourself for example if you don't love yourself and you come to love others everything you do will look like an obligation and not from your heart every single thing you do for others will look like an obligation and not from your heart you have to have that consciousness first that I love myself, I don't care what anybody says but that doesn't mean you won't take corrections or directions from people but first put yourself at the front I love me love myself I'll do this for me.


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Things good for your body and you know it's good for yourself get on with it just get on with it summer relaxation ,If it is good for your body if that's what gives you joy my dear do it as for me and my advice for you If somebody would say traveling gives me joy If you can travel around the world without going broke or bankrupt my dear travel and enjoy life I love riding bike and somebody was like why would a girl be riding a bike and I'm like YOU SAY WHAT? When I feel down and I do then listen to music or ride a bike and if I want to do both of them at the same time and somebody from nowhere comes and says it's bad for a girl to ride a bike please who are you.


So what you know helps you lift your mood and it is okay you can do it you have free to do it that is me for you so like I said I love you myself more not that I don't love others I do but I think myself more before any other person but at the same time if you always put yourself at the front before others it is not a nice habit you just have to balance this thing Love yourself get that enough love in you so as to be able to give out to others.


So there’s this thing that my lecturer told me that I will never forget. Choose what you term as compliment
If you call me something I don’t want , I’ll just take it as a compliment and the thing with compliments is people only say what they think they are seeing.
Thank God how you see things isn’t the same as what I see so you’re entitled to those opinions about me but they will never matter to me

True talk dear and thanks for stopping by 😊

You’re welcome

It’s really good to know how far you’ve come with loving yourself. Never forget you’re one of one. Continue showering yourself with all the love that you need.