in HiveGhana3 months ago

I enjoy having fun and spending time with my loved ones, despite being an indoor person, whenever the opportunity arises, I'm always quick to join outings. I love visiting recreational centers where I can immerse myself in various side attractions. Seeing animals up close is a great sight to behold, and I love learning new things wherever I go.

Considering all these factors, my favorite hangout spot is "Ogba Zoo" a zoological garden located in Benin City, Edo State. I can't count how many times I have been there since childhood, I never get tired of going there with my family and friends. It's just the perfect place for get-togethers and sightseeing.


There are lots of recreational activities in the zoo, there are swings and slides for children and adults 😋, it's nostalgic to play as we did during childhood. I get to enter swings and it can be scary sometimes, but it's all part of the fun. Once, I went there with my friends we took along our picnic kits; mats, and coolers of food and drink. Unlike some places where it's prohibited, you can bring in food and drinks. Eating a home-cooked meal in a zoo with friends and, playing games in a large field is something I'd want to do every day if possible.

I wish I still had pictures, well bad phones, and bad memory cards have failed me leaving me with no memories. Last year I visited the zoo with my course mate and it was awesome. We went to Ogba River located at the zoo. I only felt the cold water on my legs and then ran back up, I am not a swimmer. The river was a sight to behold.

You can never run out of conversation in a zoo, there are so many things to talk about. Even without speaking, the smile that nature brings to your face means a whole lot more. The most important of all are the animals conserved in a zoo. I learn and see different animal habits and hear different stories of animals during my visit to the zoo.

The last time I went to the zoo with my coursemates, we were there when the lion was about to be fed. It was crowded, everyone wanted to see how lions pounced on their prey. I can't forget that experience, the zookeepers are so good at their jobs.

You get to hear various remarks about animals from the diverse visitors, it's usually funny and you also get to mingle with like minds. The only animal that scares me in the zoo is the hyena😄😄😄, it's so skinny and I don't look twice before moving on.
Ogba Zoo is simply the best hangout spot I have been to and would continue to visit.

Thank you for visiting my blog


Ah ah someone that has been to the zoo many times is still scared of hyena?😂
I thought you’d even show us pictures of yourself wining and dining with lions and tigers😂☺️

Seriously you need to see it first, it's underfed and dangerous. Don't worry when you come to Nigeria we will dine with the lions together😄😄.

No thank you 😂

I've heard of that zoon in benin city. But since i don't leave there, it has never crossed my mind to explore... Well am jealous of you now so i added it to my to do list.

Let me start preparing my outfit, please take me along when you want to fulfil your list🤗😍🤗.

With the vivid description you have given,I’ll really like to visit ogba zoo someday