Sleep— The most energizing yet Risky Habbit.

in HiveGhana2 months ago

Goodmorning dear hivers we all hope for a blessed day. Heres my entry for the wk45 prompt:

My mom would always say water can not be cold, warm or hot at the same time in one's mouth so you cant be cold and hot rbthe same time p girl pick a side. Honestly its really hard to decided of i am an early bird or a night owl, because as stupid as it may sound i am both .
So here my time of retirering to bed is determined by how my day looked like.

A typical day in my life at home is very stressful and sometimes i wish never to come home but the fact remains the i will never survive breaks in school. Here's my routine at home, i wake up very late actually and say a word of prayer for my day and every other thing and then i delve into the sweeping and cleaning of the house , then washing of plates to the washing of clothes and cooking . Blessfully we cook three times daily and am to donthe cooking. Once that is done I am to follow mum to the farm am to work till she decide that we should actually go . Then ill come home and cook the evening meal. If i am not in the farm, i am definetly going to the shop. Definetly for that day i will be an early bird..
This affécts me badly because i wont be able to do anything meanigful for myself or for my own benefit because ill be exhausted . Stress on its own is a disease.

A typical day in my life while in school is so different and peaceful aside from stressful days. I wake up, lay my bed, brush, eat and sleep for hours, have my bath and realeep then i woke all through the night (reading or surfing the internet) and example is today cause i am still awake now. I know you would be wondering if i dont attend classes in the day , the answer is yes but most lectures do not take my all day and sometimes i dont have any .

I am so productivty when i sleep in the afernoon against the night. I work relaxed and so enjoyably. I have a great mood after a good sleep .And my energy level is always highhhhhh. Sleep is a very energizing habbit but also catarstrophic when it becames a form of laziness.

Thank you for reading ❤️❤️