Playing In Diamond For The First Time

in HiveGhana3 months ago


Hi guys,

Welcome to my blog once again for my entry into the Splinterlands social media challenge.

I started playing Spl only a few months ago. When I started playing some people said one could play his or her way to the top just by renting cards. I didn’t think it was possible cause I was still finding it hard to advance from bronze to silver. Secondly, I thought it would be super hard to face seasoned players and win. I did think it was a possibility though but I just thought it would take longer to face and beat those types of players hence making it hard.

But then a few things happened and I had to move from the modern league to the wild league. I started playing in the modern league from the first day while avoiding the wild league like the plague. Each time I tried playing in the wild league I was shredded into pieces. I thought allowing all types of cards to play there was the reason for my loss.

I was already used to playing a certain type of Chaos Earth cards and summoners in the modern league. Fast forward to a few updates those cards like Kron the Undying, lost llama mage and a few other Chaos cards were banned from modern making it hard for a player like me to diversify and try to learn new strategies. Yes, I know the concentration is for players to use more of the rebellion cards in the modern league which will grow interest in the rebellion cards.

I don’t think it’s the right strategy though. The game came out with those chaos cards so they shouldn’t be abandoned in my opinion rather the team can make the rebellion set a lot stronger than the chaos cards which will essentially grow a massive hype for the use of rebellion cards which will then force players to acquire rebellion sets if they want to win.

This post is not about rebellion and chaos cards so I'd leave that there.

So in the past, I concentrated more on chaos cards which made me buy more of chaos packs but now my concentration has shifted to buying rebellion cards. I’ve acquired a few mainly for the conflicts and also to help me climb to the higher leagues.


So I just made it into diamond II and I thought it wise to update you all since I updated you when I made it into gold. Am not gonna lie I thought it’d take a few more weeks to make it to gold I even but then I was able to get there at the same I made a post about getting into gold.

Due to some reasons am not able to play on some days so I did stay in the gold for a while until I finally made it to Diamond II yesterday. I wish I could make it to the champion but I know am gonna face a whole new competition there so in my personal opinion I’d prefer staying in the diamond league after this season ends and then for a while before moving into a champion. Maybe after I upgrade most of my cards to level III I can look to play in Champion and see what the challenge brings.

For now, most of my cards are still in level I even though I’ve managed to upgrade most of my summoners to level II.

Playing in the diamond league has taught me a lot about the game. With big mana for most of the matches can get in my best cards which are magic cards to go into battle. Even though at times I struggle with my lineup selection because am not able to use earth cards I still try my best to rack up the wins.


On average I make about 3 diamond chests per day. I wish I could play more and make more but due to my energy bar and how expensive refilling your energy bar is it’s really hard to do that. At times I just don’t have the time and patience to play for a very long time.

So this is from me to you. You can make it to the big league as well in a few months. I didn’t believe it at first but since I’ve been able to do it you can also do it. Play more and upon reaching the bigger leagues you’ll understand that rewards there are 100x better than rewards in the bronze and silver leagues.

Continue to grind harder boys and girls 😉

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Thanks for sharing! - @mango-juice