Splinterlands Battle Mage Secrets- Heavy Hitters

in HiveGhanalast month


Heyya battle magers,

It’s another battle Mager here with an entry into the battle mage secrets contest. As usual every week we are presented with different ruleset from spl where we can write a blog from. This week we have a unique Ruleset which in all honesty was a strange one to me until today or should I say until this week.

This past few days have been less busy for me which means I’ve had a lot of free time to play at will. With the new rewarding sps system it’s simply difficult to stay away from the game when you do have the time to play. Imagine earning a little over 0.4 sps per win in battles and then also earning over 14 to 15 sps every 4 to 5 days for brawling. It might look really small but by the ending of a month you’ll be making a lot of sps which is mostly staked to your account by the way.

This week the Ruleset is Heavy hitter- This means all units in your line up gain the knock out ability.

Now this might look pretty straight forward but it isn’t. What this Ruleset requires is that you put a stunner card in your line up. Now, when that stunner card is able to stun a card in your opponent’s line it’s to your advantage. That stunned card when attacked will suffer double damage.

Remember I said I didn’t understand this Ruleset until this week? Yes, so as a normal gamer that I am I went in with my best line up using the Yodin zaku summoner. My opponent on the other hand brought in a stunner card, this shows that he understands the knockout Ruleset.

Since I am a diamond player I had to deal with 2 other rulesets being going the distance- This means only ranger attack cards may be used in battles. You can decide to use only monsters which have range attacks or double attacks including range attacks. i.e., a range attack and maybe a magic attack combo.

The other being Ferocity- All monsters have the fury ability.

With the knockout Ruleset you are not limited to the usage of certain cards as it is your choice to go in for a stunner card or not. But the going the distance russets limits you to choosing only ranged cards which you might not have liked in the first place.

So this is how I lined up for battle.


A Yodin zaku summoner to boost my range attacks by 1, my health by 1 and to also grant my cards the blast ability.

The first card being timderlock, a card with a lot of health, 3 range attack and 2 speed. A special ability of having the close range ability and also the last stand ability.

Next in line being the molten ash golem card with loads of health, 1 speed and 1 range attack and then also having the close range ability.

Third monster being the lava launcher. A card with minimum health but to compliment that it has good shield, 3 speed and 3 range attack and then with the close range ability.

Next one in line being the countless sinash. One of my favourite cards with 3 range attack, 4 speed and 4 health. A card with the opportunity ability and then the camouflage ability as well.

Next card being the dalthin iron hood. A card with 5 heath with 4 shield complimenting it. It has 2 shield and 3 speed. A card which has the weapons training ability as well.

Last but not least is a card with 4 speed to compliment it’s little attack and health. With that much speed you’re sure it will evade some attacks. But then with a special ability of headwinds which allows it to reduce the range attack of all enemy cards by one.

With the going the distance Ruleset it was a big plus to me in battle.

Let’s rumble.

My opponent went for a summoner which grants all his range cards +1 range attack but then with my ash mirage I made sure it didn’t happen as I still reduced him to the same attack they had.


The first attack was made by my countless sinash on my opponents portal spinner. It was unfortunate that it had shield of 1 so I could only succeed in clearing that shield. But with the blast ability the attack affected his other two cards reducing one’s health and clearing the other’s shield.

Next was by mu ash mirage on his first position card reducing its health drastically.
With this attack blast succeeded in leaving his second card with just one health. With the next damage being done by my weapons training card it was bye bye to his first position card and his second position card.

Next killing was done by lava launcher with its 4 range attack. Killing my opponents portal spinner with its first strike of the game.

The attack affecting his lone boatman leaving it lifeless on the battlefield.


Well he had a healer card which in turn is a stunner card so it helped health it back to 3 health and then subsequently attacking my tinderlock card but just making a small damage to its health.

Tinderlock retaliated and with its plenty range attack was able to kill my opponents boatman. At this stage my opponent was left with just 2 cards. His stunner card which will be killed in the next attack and his other card which has low health.

Sinash took the honors in vanquishing that card with it almost dying from my cards blast ability attack.

The blast ability of Yodin zaku has made it my go to fire summoner when ever I have a lot of mana in game. With this game I had 60 mana so it was the ideal summoner in my opinion with my range cards ready to go.


Even though it was a short battle(which I mostly don’t like), I enjoyed this one. The blast satisfaction was what gave me the thrill and I’ve re watched this battle a countless times already.

This is my battle link

All unsourced images are from splinterlands.com


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Thanks for sharing! - @mango-juice