in HiveGhanalast month (edited)

Hello, Hive Ghana community. I hope we are all fine today.

Happy 50th week anniversary to all of us! It's been beautiful learning and earning together.



Hive Ghana is a community that has given everyone the opportunity to learn, earn, and relate.

I got to know about Hive Ghana last year, and it's been a beautiful journey here. This community has given me the opportunity to earn a living and has also given me the opportunity to learn and meet people.

The community has made it possible for people on the Hive Blockchain to grow their accounts and meet people from different cultures so as to learn values too.

In Hive Ghana, topics are given to make sure that everyone is given the opportunity to write and earn too.

I love the fact that people get involved in the weekly engagement, and through this participation, we have been able to reach a very high level of maturity in writing, personal development, human relations, etc.

Every week in the Hive Ghana community, we get to write and also comment on other people's content, thereby having the opportunity to meet people and relate well with them. This has also made us consistent in our journey on the Hive Blockchain.

During my days in school, I was looking for a community in the Hive Blockchain to explore, and when I saw the Hive Ghana community and its description, I was excited because of the opportunity I saw from afar.

I am always looking forward to writing here because I know that I will also learn here and meet wonderful people too.

I love the development in the Hive Ghana community, and I want to commend @Mcsamm for the work well done here. I also want to thank @theycallmedan for always encouraging us to do more.

My little suggestions for the growth of this community would be:

More Engagement: The Hive Ghana community should bring more engagement to its community on Hive as well as its discord group. Entertaining and educational topics should be brought here for more engagement. People like being entertained and also love being educated too, so I would employ top steak holders in the community to bring more entertainment and educational engagement.

Self-improvement On Hive Blockchain: The Hive Ghana community should also teach its members from time to time how to improve themselves on the Hive Blockchain. There are people that are always looking for ways to be more on this blockchain, so Hive Ghana should see to it that they are given the opportunity to learn how to improve their stay on the Hive Blockchain.

Support for Personal Hive Project: There are community members that want to embark on some projects that will help other people and also help project the Hive Blockchain as well as the Hive Ghana community to the world, so I would employ that the Hive Ghana top members should help these other members achieve these goals, like going for high school outreaches for Hive, etc.

With these, I believe I have been able to convey my thoughts on how this community would grow for better service to humanity.

I will still be here to contribute to the community's growth.


Congratulations on a job well done! We are thrilled to see the outstanding results you've achieved. Your dedication and hard work have truly paid off, and it's inspiring to witness the impact you've made. Keep up the fantastic work, and know that your contributions are valued and appreciated.

I don’t understand what you mean by “you will be employed by top steak holders in the community…..”
That part

Thank you for your suggestions, we have noted them but could you please tell us anything you have in mind for the “education and entertainment” you made mention of?

For the entertainment,I would suggest music competition and for the education I think we should know what to do so as to earn more on hive.

The hiveghana community is quite welcoming, it has made our journey on hive a lot easier.