Center of excellence; celebrating the 50th week of Ghana weekly prompt

in HiveGhanalast month

designed by @sylvasticks

Hello everyone it is yet another week to engage here in this great community. Fortunately it is the celebration of the 50th week of the hive Ghana weekly prompt and it always feelsngood to be here

talking about the weekly prompt, that is given on a weekly basis is a “permit me to use the word” deliberate act from the administrators of this community to help the newbies like me to engage on hive blockchain and also aid to my writing performance I don't know about you 😁

As this week marks the 50th week I personally send my gratitude to @hiveghanacommunity meaning that the weekly prompt is two(2) weeks away from completing a full year

Here are my archivement from the weekly prompt as a newbie who started this journey three(3) month ago on the hive block chain.
Establishing my paths:this is very paramount on my web 3 journey as a newbie which hive Ghana has helped me on tips and techniques on how to surf through this site and guides me on making post through their newbie discord channel, to be sincere it was very hectic just like someone being lost in a new environment, the only community I could stay was hive Ghana before I was really enlightened.

Writing performance; in this case I know the main reason of my being here is to write content on my blog but it almost seemed impossible at the start, then I will be wandering around web 3 viewing people blog and commenting on them but don't know what to write about. Through the weekly topics given to us was able to make me start making post.

Setting and archiving goals; it looked so tough for me at the start, writing is never an easy task to complete I was struggling to make post not until I joined the hive Ghana discord channel and general post promotion group,this channel serve as a reminder to me that my fellow writers are making post everyday so with this I could not rest just because I felt everyone has left me behind.

Here is the first post I did on hive and was in hive Ghana community.

Actually this celebration is worth it, with the help of it users this community has gained popularity on the hive blockchain whereby people from from this countries find splendid in being a member

And lastly

Shared knowledge;from the moment I started engaging with the weekly prompt I have gained so much knowledge on social norms and experiences directly from people it is always a good time reading people's posts I got to know different thoughts and reasons for their decisions.

However this community need more investors different communities to strengthen curation on people's post just like an affiliate marketing, the more people get rewarded for post the do the more the community goes viral on the web.

Hive Ghana community generally is an all rounder community which help helps content creators bring out the best in them. I love the way we get promoted.

I'm @sylvasticks


I’m glad that now you don’t have to wander on people’s posts making engagement without knowing what to write.
It’s great to know the community has helped your hive writing journey

Yeah thanks ma'am ♥️ I'm grateful

You’re welcome

Happy 50th week Anniversary to the Hive Ghana community.

We are happy to know that you have gained so much knowledge just from engaging in the hiveghana community.
We look forward to having more engagement from you.

It my pleasure..
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