Cheers to adulthood

in HiveGhanalast month

I remember how, as a kid, I wished to become an adult as quickly as possible. I saw the freedom adults had. They didn't have to answer to their parents all the time. I wanted that for myself.

Now that I'm an adult, I've realized that adulthood is not all bliss. However, despite the obvious burdens that come with adulthood, there are also some upsides to it.

When I gained admission into the university, I was excited. It meant I was going to live life away from my parents. It was more like an introduction into adulthood for me. Within my first week of resumption, I went out partying all night. I had a lot of fun.

It felt good having the freedom to go where I wanted and do what I wanted without having to report to anyone. I went out when I wanted, and I came back when I wanted, and there were no questions from anyone.

I also got to make decisions on my own. As a child, I barely got anything without the knowledge or permission of my parents. They made decisions for me or influenced my decisions. But as I journeyed into adulthood, I could make decisions without looking to anyone. The decision about what I wanted to eat or buy with my money was totally mine. I could get my favorite snack or craving whenever I wanted without having to beg anyone.

From what I have narrated so far, it is obvious that the major upside of adulthood is the freedom that comes with it. When we are born, it is the responsibility of our parents to make decisions for us, caution, restrict us from doing certain things because it is expected that we don't know better at that young age.

However, as we grow older, we begin to learn, and become wiser. Our parents' interference begins to look like too much control. We want to do things the way we want, not how they were dictated to us.

As maturity comes, the need for independence increases. That's why people move out of their parents' house and live on their own. We want our own space. I believe everyone will agree with me that it's such a great feeling to have your space all to yourself.

It feels so good when no one invades your space or privacy. This is one of the good things about adulthood. In adulthood, you get to design your space how you want it, arrange your things how you want, again without necessarily seeking approval from anyone.

Furthermore, I love adulthood because I get to wake up when I want to, and sleep when I want to. I remember my parents always forcing me to bed once it was 8pm as a kid. I never liked it, and I was glad that as I grew, I no longer had to be subjected to that. I also get to cook whatever I want to eat. The choice is totally mine.

In conclusion, the upside of adulthood, in my opinion, boils down to four words: freedom, independence, choice and space.

Image is mine

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Everyone is talking about how they get to wake up whenever they want to but nobody is talking about how that happens only on weekends or off days.

I am also one of those kids that were rushing to be adults, now we are adults and it's not as fun as we thought but we are adapting.

I think a lot of us were so eager to become an adult, I like the way you focus on the positive side of adulthood, it makes it a lot of fun that way. !LUV

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