Bringing back the art of moonlight storytelling

in HiveGhana13 days ago

Greetings and welcome to my blog.
There are a lot of forgotten cultural traditions that have gone into extinction and we need to bring them back. If I was given the opportunity to bring back just one cultural tradition, I would choose moon light storytelling.

In this 21st century where everything has to do with smartphones, TV screens and digital media, the practice of moon light storytelling has been forgotten. It's just very few of us that can tell about the experience.

I wasn't raised by my parents but the few years I stayed with them was memorable. I remember some nights, there was this very big tree not far from our house and every night all the children will gather there to hear stories. There was this particular old man and his wife, they don't just tell us stories but they also passed down wisdom.

Aside from storytelling being a form of entertainment, it also serves a vital role in preserving our culture. Through customs, languages and history were kept alive over thousands of years, unbroken chains linked to the past.

I believe resurrecting this tradition could have immense benefits for our fractured, distracted world. Reviving moon light storytelling would force people to be present, engaged listeners rather than passive viewers of a screen. It would spark dialogue, curiosity about one's ancestry, and intergenerational bonding. These shared experiences would cultivate community upliftment and cultural rejuvenation.

Just picture extended families who come home for Christmas and local communities gathering to hear time-honored tales passed down by a gifted storyteller. Stories of their specific cultural identity, struggles and triumphs uniquely told through the authentic voice of their people. This could become a treasured tradition looked forward to regularly, solidifying cultural pride, unity and core values.

Moon light storytelling could also foster greater cross-cultural understanding, empathy and celebration of our diverse kaleidoscope of traditions. People would have a venue to truly appreciate the stories, perspectives and wisdom of cultures besides their own.

In this 21st century where everyone is constantly busy, disconnected and cultural rootlessness, I believe bringing back the ancient moon light storytelling tradition could provide grounding, enlightenment and uplifting shared experiences. Imagine all that could be gained by simply slowing down, listening attentively, and opening our minds to the rich heritage and life lessons woven into stories spanning centuries. It would be a priceless treasure for humanity.