500 Words a Day — Introductory Post — 20.7.2020

in 500 Words a day4 years ago (edited)

At least a few decades ago, I read 20 Lines a Day by Harry Mathews. I must confess that all these years later, I can remember little of it other than I liked it so it must have been worth reading, and something about cigarettes and France. Granted, vague memories. Mathews followed Stendhal’s advice for writers to crank out “twenty lines a day, genius or not.” (If you want to start down an internet rabbit hole, go to Wikipedia and search for Stendhal syndrome and start link surfing from there).

Twenty lines might have made a lot of sense when most people still wrote in notebooks, but 500 words a day is I suppose roughly equivalent for our digital age. So I’d like to thank @niallon11 for starting up the 500 Words a Day Community here on the Hive blockchain. I know that @niallon11 meant at least 500 words, but when I post to this Community, they’ll be exactly 500 words, at least as far as WordCounter.net is concerned. I used to write a bunch of #fiftywords stories, all of which were exactly 50 words long and, at least for those, I found that forcing myself to do exactly 50 made me choose my words carefully, nothing extra, but just enough. In the same way, the stories I’ve written for the #zapfic challenges that @felt.buzz posts might have been quite different if they had not been exactly 240 characters long.

But this post is just a general “Hello world” to the 500 Words a Day Community. Going forward, following what I remember of the Harry Mathews book, I’ll write some short fiction pieces, likely in #freewrite style based on prompts, perhaps the ones that @mariannewest suggests daily (although striving for exactly 500 words means I’d have to toss the 5-Minute idea out the window, and isn’t it a fine day when you get to use the word defenestrate?), but also observations and commentary about this weird world we live in, random musings and, if you’re not lucky, free verse poetry. Okay, I’ll probably spare you that last one.

But I’ll probably do mostly short fiction. That and experiments like short character sketches or plot ideas for longer fiction that may or may not ever develop into something longer. Even if that’s a bad habit — little vignettes that never pan out, like my vague idea for a novel set in a fictitious city that that’s one-third Shanghai in the 1920’s or 1930’s, one-third Paris on the eve of the French Revolution, and one-third modern-day Los Angeles. Yeah, one day I’ll write that novel. Sure I will.

I’m looking forward to trying out GPT-3 Artificial Intelligence. Talk to Transformer was based on the earlier GPT-2 and produced some interesting writing. For now at least, humans are the better writers, but we’re probably not far from Turing Test obsolescence. But today, a comfortable chair to park my butt on and a steady flow of coffee to fuel my fingers on a keyboard.



So I’d like to thank @niallon11 for starting up the 500 Words a Day Community here on the Hive blockchain. I know that @niallon11 meant at least 500 words, but when I post to this Community, they’ll be exactly 500 words

Well first of all it's great to see as prodigious a talent as yourself posting to a little community like this one. Welcome aboard.

I used to do the 50 word posts back in the day as well but after consideration for this community I went with a minimum of 500 words as a little challenge to writers to get those posts out daily. I felt that it was long enough to take effort to create but short enough to post a daily blog and keep the content flowing.

i like what you said about the 20 lines daily and that is the vibe I am going for here. There are no specific topics or quality needed but a safe place to build up good habits with the guarantee of my little vote and some engagement. A good community for new and old users alike I hope.

I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work and getting to know your writing through your posts.

Prodigious talent? You must have me confused with some other wombat.



Prodigious talent? You must have me confused with some other wombat.

Probably but your the only one here right now. 😀

Hey @niallon11, here is a little bit of BEER from @preparedwombat for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

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That is a cool experiment! And you know that hardly any freewriter follows rules :)
You are welcome to write as long as it takes. And maybe, 5 minutes in that city you are going to create are a timeframe long enough to write 500 words. ..

So you mean to tell me you could write a free verse of 500 words? Dude that would be like 2 whole albums. lol

Anyways, welcome to the 500 worders.

Yes! More writing please!