Meme challenge #260 - Entry #1

in Memechallenge2 years ago


Ralph was the wizard of motors and in the village he had practically fixed everybody something. Whether it was a car, motorcycle, tractor, or any other form of transportation that was jammed, all Ralph had to do was put his hand to it and the engine would sing like new again. Even at the young age of 8, he had greasy fingers and the next year he asked for a complete set of wrenches for his birthday.


Ralph era il mago dei motori ed in paese aveva praticamente aggiustato a tutti qualcosa. Auto, moto, trattore o qualunque altro mezzo di trasporto inceppato, bastava che Ralph ci mettesse mano per far tornare il motore a cantare come fosse nuovo. Già alla giovane età di 8 anni, aveva le dita sporche di grasso e l'anno successivo chiese per il suo compleanno un set completo di chiavi inglesi.

testo meme: