Meme challenge #241 Entry #1 A Picture is worth a Thousand words

in Memechallenge3 years ago

relationship status.jpg

Relationships evolve

Surely relationships evolve at their own pace.

When the relationship is new ..

It is like a gift wrapping. A person presents himself or herself as a all nice person.
you do not want to be rejected and try to present a positive and likeable side of yours.
As the relationship evolves one feels a bit easy and the wrappings seem to get removed and the inner true self is revealed.
Sometimes the inner self is likeable and sometimes not.
This is not a one way thing some people like to present their true selves and others like to put up a pretence.

It is not always about putting up an act.

Sometimes people want to be noticed and liked by others so in such cases they would dress well, groom themselves, remain clean and be at their best behaviours.
Their best behaviour may also be inspired by a feel good factor that they experience when they are in the company of friends or some one special.
It is better to remain true to the person are with and together grow, bloom and blossom in the garden of life.

Sports tip for today

Sports and Health go hand in hand. You can build on good health by working towards it one day at a time.
Take care folks and stay safe