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RE: When we fall asleep, where do we go?

You are are now aware of your body's routine and need for sleep.. that's great.

We do not go anywhere when we sleep but our subconscious does and I heard that it goes about trying to replay the days event and show us something we forgot about or it helps finish what was unfinished in real time.

Let me illustrate..

One time in secondary school, I and a classmate had a quarrelling because I found out that she gossiped me with some other class mates of mine. I was mad at her but I could not do anything to her as whenever I am angry I begin to stutter and shed tears. When I got home, my mind was still pondering on the injustice that I faced in school and when I slept, you better believe that I dreamt of the quarrel not only that, I gave her some serious beatings and poundings in the dream😂😂. I woke feeling better at the final results of he dream. I was less concerned if she actually felt the know spiritually or not but I was glad like I just finished mission impossible 😂😂.

So that's how dreams work sometime. Have a great week Jay


😅🤣 What is this, Becky? You took your friend to your dream for a smackdown? And you didn't even send if she was affected at all. You sha felt better. I don dey fear you o

I agree, though. Dreams are often reflections of reality in our minds when we sleep.

😂😂😂 don't mind me jare, I was pissed.

Sorry. Don't be annoyeded. 😁