Build My Desk: buying 5 legendary monsters and upgrading my desk

in The City of Neoxian2 years ago (edited)

I did not get new legendary airdrop cards since I have got Lira the Dark. So I need to buy new airdrop cards and combine it to catch up the flow of Spiinterlands. So I have got 4 cards and missed 4 cards.


Yesterday I have bought three Carnage Titan and two Grum Flameblade because I also bought one Grum Flameblade. After buying it I combine all these cards to reach level 2. Legendary level 2 is the maxed level I can used with my summoners.


I bought my cards from @salem22, @martax, @grubbz2113, @avao and @mano237. I also got 6 PKM for this transaction and will also get 0.228 PKM weekly.



Carnage Titan

Carnage Titan is a legendary card from Chaos Legion edition. He is also from Dragon splinter. It will cost eleven mana to summon him in your team. He has Reach and Double Strike ability. He also has 8 Hit Points and 7 Armor at level 2. He also has 3 Speed point so he is not too fast nor too slow. He can deal 3 melee damage so he is very useful to take down opponent's first position monster. He is a very unique monster that has both Reach and Double Strike abilities.



Grum Flameblade

Gurm Flameblade is also a monster card from Chaos Legion edition. He is sixth airdrop card and Carnage Titan is eighth airdrop card. Grum Flameblade is a monster from Fire splinter. It will cost eleven mana to summon this monster in your team. He has twelve Hit Points and 4 Armor at level 2. He only has one Speed point he will be more suitable in Reverse speed match. He can deal 4 melee damage and because of the Bloodlust ability he is unstoppable in brawl matches. He is a very unique monster that has Bloodlust ability except Gladius card. Normally Blood lust ability can only see in Gladius cards.










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@mmunited aka @beyondhorizonmm


Those are good buys, lots of cards to buy I nee two more of Grum while also having my eyes on Carnage Titan

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You will get them soon. Thanks for visiting my post. !PIZZA

You are welcome, thanks for the pizza

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