Personal blog: "Olives, James Bond, and creative empathy", by bonzopoe

in The City of Neoxian10 months ago


Yesterday I was writing a post about empathy and how it has become one of my tools in creative writing, as well as a personal development tool. I was remembering the roles I've taken on in writing poems and short stories, and how I enjoy doing so, as I can put myself in the shoes of characters totally different from me, and in some cases totally impossible due to gender and/or personal background differences.

I have also put myself in the place of inanimate beings or objects, but I did not remember them at the time, but now thinking about it a little I remember some poems about stairs and nails, as well as some unfinished stories in which I put myself in the place of a cat and a dog, respectively, something that is not strange to find in literature, due to its closeness to human beings.

I commented in the post that I have even put myself in the place of ghosts, but I didn't remember, until a moment ago, that I also put myself in the place of an olive in a poem inspired by the martini we always see James Bond drinking in his movies. That's perhaps my strangest case so far, but one that amused me a lot.


Doing the exercise of putting yourself in the place of other people and objects, apart from being very didactic, is extremely entertaining if you are a very curious or exploratory person, but if you are not and what you are looking for is to improve your creative writing skills, it is also an excellent option.

I call this resource 'creative empathy', and it is one that I resort to most unconsciously due to my personality, but since I discovered myself doing it, I have now made it a resource that I apply more and more intentionally and consciously. I recommend you to try it, maybe like me, you will find it not only an interesting experience but also a fun one.

I share with you below an English adaptation of the text that gave rise to this publication, since I originally wrote it in Spanish, my native language, but I had to modify it a bit since it is poetry and metrics are important, and a literal translation does not work at all. I hope you like it and see you next time.


Vesper olive

You float intoxicated in the remains
of the dry martini of your existence,
synthesizing in that instant your life,
full of unexpected twists and turns
and a tragic ending,
but at least diluted in good alcohol.

Crossed by a cocktail stick,
and anchored to this ethylic sea
of vermouth and gin,
you no longer feel anything but strangeness
and the absence of a heart
that without realizing it,
was snatched away from you.

And while the cold numbs your grief,
nearby you hear a strange but familiar voice,
that somehow you know is the coprotagonist
of your last scene, say:
"I'm Bond, James Bond."

©bonzopoe, 2023.



Thank you very much for reading this post and dedicating a moment of your time. Until next time and remember to leave a comment.
