The Look out ability is highly Underrated

in The City of Neoxianlast month (edited)

Some battles give joy when all hope is lost and you end up winning.


When I saw the opponent line up, I was not so optimistic that I was going to win, even I fell in love with the lineup he used, He used two sneaky monsters with the double strike ability and he boosted their melee attack by using another monster with the inspire ability.

I am going to use that lineup in one of my battles because it was just so good though he was also vulnerable so I will find a way to avoid that when I want to use it, one monster I used saved me from being destroyed and that was exactly why I placed the monster there, I will be talking more about that below but first let us get to know the rules of the battle, the mana cap, and other important info.

It was a 31 mana cap battle with just 1 rule!


Equalizer: This rule means that all monsters will have the same health as the monster with the highest health base which could be from any of the teams, Grimbardun Smith was the monster with the highest health base of 10 plus the Lily Shieldpaw summoner +1 stat added makes it 11 health and that was what all monsters possess.

battle link

The opponent used a dragon Gladius summoner that gives +1 speed and came up with double strike monsters with the sneak ability as you can see in the picture above, as if he was reading my mind, he used Kei with the Ambush and Shatter ability to destroy my tank which was Grimbardun smith armor so his other powerful sneaky monsters can penetrate but his plan did not work because of my formation.

Grimbardun Smith

This monster was my tank and it is the most used card as a tank in modern battles because of its amazing ability to withstand attacks from other monsters either melee, magic, or range, it can withstand all. The opponent tried to penetrate with powerful melee attacks in this battle but he was not successful, thanks to Smith shield and armor repair ability, it was not just that, the second monster played a great role in keeping Smith alive.

Satha Toledo

This monster plays the role of keeping Smith alive till the end of the battle, it has one unique ability that makes it impossible for the opponent to take down Smith, that ability is Look out which reduces the damage of his sneak attacks, at a point, one of his sneaky monster with 2 melees could not do any damage to Smith, Salado was also one of the healing tank I used to supply health to my tank...

Goblin Psychic

The goblin was the second heal tank, i used a double healer to keep Smith alive till the end which was a success, I was expecting more magic monsters from the opponent but he shocked me by not using any but still Goblin did great with his healing prowess.

Lurking Puffer

Wondering why I used a monster that can't attack? I was expecting magic attacks from the opponent so the plan was to silence the magic power but yeah that did not turn out well, so we can say Puffer was useless in this battle.

Acid Shooter

This is another monster that did amazingly well in this battle, thanks to its poison that helped, it was able to poison 3 out of the opponent monsters which further fastened their elimination from the battleground.

Madcap Magus

I thought the opponent was going to use Lily Shield Panda summoner like me, so I intend using Madcap to afflict his monsters from healing but again that didn't happen as he came with a shocking formation, it is my first time seeing such a lineup and it is amazing just that it needs some changes because the opponent made his front vulnerable and it was easy for me to penetrate his formation.

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All pictures are gotten from Splinterlands lore and game

Just call me Burl.

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Don't wish for it, Make it happen

Posted using Neoxian City


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