Love Never Fails

in The City of Neoxian8 months ago

One attribute the bible says about love is that "It never fails". And that's the one factor that makes love stand out among other things of awe. It's very difficult to come across couples that are joined by true love( as 1 Corinthians 13 describes) nowadays, and that's the one reason why people who find true love are celebrated. Love is long-suffering- this is where most couples fail when it comes to staying faithful. Their whole ideology about love revolves around give and take, and once there's no giving, they don't aspect to give. But in 100, there's always an exception and I'll be sharing a story of a couple (young couples) whose act of love was demonstrated.


The young beautiful lady was a normal girl, sane , responsible and vibrant. But something happened along the line that no one can explain, which turned her into a seasonal lunatic- people believed she became possessed. It started after a critical illness that turned her into something else. The young beautiful girl became old and ugly, her hair was shaved , she acted normal one minute and the next she was talking out of line. People became scared of her because of how she acted and some of her friends stayed away from her because of how she was acting-sometimes, she seems to speak in tongues no one understands.


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It was at that time she became a friend in my family and I got to know her. Even though her friends neglected her and some of her family members who saw her as being a lunatic, her young lover never left her, in fact it was the period his love for her increased. He stuck around her more than her family did and ensured he made her believe all the suffering she's going through would pass away. He bought her gifts and got her everything she wanted. Honestly, I admired his love, because it proved he loved her beyond the physical appearance and her sanity. He embraced long-suffering and was patient enough to sit beside her daily trying to make her happy.

The illness lasted for years and the guy was still patient and at some point it made her promiscuous, but this guy still waited. I was told she's better now after so many years and his love for her was a thing of discussion.


That must be one genuine and rare love. Glad she eventually got herself back and to the one that cherished her

It was indeed genuine

That's very rare. It is not an easy task to wait for someone, but he did because of love, and that is magical.

Hello dearest dreemer. Happy love month to you and TGIF. In this season of love, we have found ourselves, let self-love lead, and spread love and kindness to people, too. I waltzed in from #dreemport, for I am an amazing #dreemer. An awesomely made #dreemerforlife.

It indeed was not easy but stood in this time of trial

Phew. Thanks for sharing this piece.

You're welcome

This is an interesting read Sir. There may be many reasons to give up on love. But genuine love remains forever. Such love makes the sacrifice to remain, stay, wait in hope. I enjoyed your piece Sir.

Absolutely true, genuine love remains

Yes Boss


True loves is indeed hard to find, she is truly lucky to have someone like him. I’m glad she got better, she got better for the guy.


I hope she'll remember all his sacrifice

Love, love is indeed dangerous and pleasant at the same time #dreemerforlofe

Love is pleasant and if not true, it's dangerous

Yah very dangerous especially when its lust

This is a very rare form of love. Loving beyond sanity and physical appearance. I'm happy for both of them.


It was indeed a think to talk about

True love never fails. No matter the stress the lovers undergo, true love will find a way.


That's true, true love remains

This is a genuine kind of love, it is indeed beautiful.
Popped in from #dreemport

Yeah, truly beautiful