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RE: Pogs Pogs Pogs

in The City of Neoxian9 months ago (edited)

OH my goodness! Pogs for real!

I was skateboarding around my residence sometimes around 1993, and there was an adult skateboarding there too. I forgot his name now because it was a while back, but he worked for POGS, we skateboarded all the time on the same spot, he was always talking about his damn pogs...

He always gave me tons of it, for a while I became the most popular kid at school!

That's an impressive collection man, I decided to have kids instead, but I respect that's what you went for. Long live to pogs...


LMAO 🤣 😂


I like them all.

Free Pogs!!! It's a 90s kid's dream

Adult skateboarders are impressive. I saw a guy with silver hair skateboarding the other day and thought it was the coolest thing.