We move around each day meeting people from different backgrounds, countries, and religions. These people we meet have their own ways of living life or doing things around. So you do not want to get the same positive response from them when they are being asked to do something or perform a task. To some is it a very great offense for a man to even stand with a lady only to talk or chat with each other.

The best for a man to stay with a lady for long is about 10 seconds or any other second is questionable by them. To others they do not care even you speaking to a lady for as long as you want. Nobody questions what to talked about unless on assaults, which can ruin your life forever. So far as there won’t be any assaults to harm the other party, you are always good to go.
There are some who finds it as an insult to be instructed by a lady or females, to them ladies or females are seen as weak, therefore when a lady commands them then they have lost their dignity as a man. Thus they become weak or as seen as weak among their society or family. With all these situations around we are to know certain key ideas as to how things are done at their end before you know a very good approach to deal with them anything it is necessary to do.

So when we happen to come across someone who thinks differently to what we think or know to be right for us, we are not to see them as the bad one, circumstance has rather made it so for them. Since we are forgetting to know his/her background and how things are done at their end. I know some people are of the view that when you go to Rome, you do what the Romans do.
Here is the case anything or action you might take would let him pay dearly for since to you, you are too good for him to help him or her out. Out of the mass who would make it cruel for clients like this, we on to make them gear towards good and lovely behavior.
I remain your humble servant