Life Is a Journey of Realizations

Growing older, I began to see life differently. The first thing I figured out quick was, while lost money could be found again, time which is gone is gone forever.

When I realized how precious each moment was, it really hit me hard. Time after all does not wait for anyone so I have been watching my steps carefully.

Discovering how to learn has redefined everything for me. It might have felt strange at first but then it hit home: being adaptable and receptive to new ideas is a superpower. Allowing change and constantly yearning for knowledge has made me grow beyond my wildest dreams. Now every situation becomes a lesson that makes better of myself.


Another thing I learned in life is that my job cannot define who I am as a person. Sometimes we can easily be consumed by the identities we create for ourselves based on our careers; however, today I know that outside my job title there is more behind it than meets the eye. It’s true that value should not be gauged based on what one does professionally but rather how they are as individuals and their influence on others.

I used to see networking as transactional, until I realized it’s not about receiving but giving. Building meaningful links is not about what others can do for me but rather what I can do for them. Offering support, sharing resources or even just listening seems to be the foundation of these authentic relationships that are all based on giving and taking.

Past mistakes filled my heart with terror and now they seem like priceless learning episodes. My last mistake has proved to be the greatest teacher ever. Every missed step offers a chance to reflect, learn and grow. Instead of focusing on failures, today I consider them as stepping stones towards progress.

While growing up, I was taught that good manners mattered without fully understanding their importance until much later in life. Niceness and politeness are only some part of the good relations while respect is more fundamental. Kindness and consideration towards others should not be undervalued just because one is well educated.

When I consider these revelations, I get the feeling that my voyage has been long and winding. Every teaching has had an immense impact on me molding me to being the kind of person that I am. As I proceed into life, these realizations will always be with me, reminding me how grateful I am for what they have taught me.

Life is an expedition of exploring new things and learning from them. We are able to reach our full potential when we embrace transformation, create valuable relationships and stay loyal to ourselves. Therefore we can live lives rich in meaning and satisfaction.

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