Hello Hive: My Intro Post

in The City of Neoxian2 years ago


Hello people, hope you're all good. Well I'm fine, as a matter of fact, I'm not just fine but really excited and grateful to be a part of this community of bloggers, photographers, educators etc. I've gone through some posts here on hive and thats where I found out that you could actually do anything here so long as its original and of quality.

So who am I? Well my name's Frank, I'm a young dude in my early 20s. I studied microbiology in the university and now I'll be looking to go to serve my country, Nigeria, (NYSC). So yeah I'm a Nigerian. I hail from the South eastern part of Nigeria, Imo state. I'm the last child in a family of 8 children which automatically gave me the name, baby of the house even though I'm not a baby anymore. I love both of my parents but the bond with mom is something else, I can't explain it.

Speaking of the Blockchain and crypto, I'm not so new in that aspect, though I'm still learning. I've been into cryptos for a while now and I think I remember coming across Hive while I searching for something online and then open an article that tried to explain it to me. At the top I could see the person's name and a number by the side, which I've come to find out its the reputation score, it was pretty high. Scrolling down, I saw some others commenting. I found it interesting and saved the page for a later day when I'll join.


I do keep some journals with me, on my phone or handwritten. So after I had successfully registered and came onboard, i just picked one of the journals on my phone to try out this platform, there were some good reception on that. I'm making this Intro post because i thought it would be nice if I introduced myself to the community and then after some digging, I found out that most people make this kind of post too, especially newbies.

This is a community i hope to interact and have fun with, and will probably learn a thing or two about being better at blogging and also learn about programming. I've always had some interest in programming but felt it would be time consuming, maybe I'll learn a bit now that I'm free. I'm new here but eager to meet and learn. I'm also glad to be here.