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RE: The vibrant heart of Antwerp...

That's one of the positive sides of C, but one negative side is that all these people are now at places where they wouldn't be without the crisis ... where they shouldn't be.

So, I had to share my last few sunrises with lots of people and all the laughter and noise made me escape from the mountains as soon as I had taken a few photos - less and worse photos than I would have taken otherwise.

Cheers and !BEER


I can imagine that 😱
And I don't think X-mas will bring us nice presents this year... I think we better prepare for the third wave...
But then again, there is always something positive. Look at you for example...with all those waves you can now combine sea & mountains 😉😂
(let's stay positive and embrace absurdity... humor is the only thing that can save us 😉)

Humor (of any kind) is the only thing that matters 😜

Yeah, when our lockdown ends on December 7 that people can buy Christmas presents they will all rush to the shopping centers at the same time and spread love, happiness and the C ... the third wave will come for sure.

I always hope that I'm wrong with my predictions, but predicting that is much easier than telling what the weather will be in the next hour 😂

Cheers and !BEER

hmmm...maybe you should start a little side-business with that gift... "Johannor the great predictor"...
You could predict people's future on hive and get payment in !BEER 😂

... but the payments would not be refundable if I'm wrong with a prediction 😂

I don't want to give any !BEER back just because the future does not do what I say - what's in my fridge that stays in my fridge 😉


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