Technology and the children's education


How does technology affect children? Give your opinion.

In the modern world, technology encompasses almost everything. Anywhere on the planet, no matter how primitive the region you are in, you will be able to see people with mobile phones, tablets or laptops. Therefore, if the children are there, surely they are paying attention to it, because they are curious people by nature and they easily learn anything, as long as they feel interested in what they pay attention to.

And, without a doubt, they get caught up when they watch exotic and attractive scenes on a screen, no matter how young they are. You notice it at home or in your neighborhood when you turn on the TV in front of a baby a couple of months old.

Do you have any method to control your children or the little ones at home when using the Internet?

In my case, my daughters became adults and now they are the ones who teach me how to use a series of technological devices. For example, cell phones nowadays come with a rosary of applications that one doesn't even know what they are for.

Now, my girls did not have to experience the Internet on cell phones, but they did have to use the first years of the network of networks. By then, parents had to be aware of what they were seeing. For this, the PC was located in the room in full view of all. Because the web has always started to show a multitude of pages that are completely unrelated to morality and good customs and are highly harmful to the minds of small people.

What do you think is the importance of technology in children?

Technology is essential for everyone and today's children need to be trained in its healthy management, yes, as long as all that knowledge goes in favor of themselves and the community where they live.

The problem here lies in the freedom given to children when it comes to managing the Internet, without being under the supervision of adults. Which is difficult in a world where adults, parents, for reasons of survival need to be absent from their homes for long hours. There are even times when children who are left alone at home are necessarily left with a cell phone.

What are the main disadvantages of technology in children? Give your opinion.

As I indicated before, the great disadvantage that the Internet has for children is that it lends itself to the existence of extremely harmful sites that promote the worst of human nature, and there are times when these pages create campaigns or strategies to attract followers. .

There is also the possibility that adults block the most undesirable pages from their devices. However, there are children who are quite intuitive (smart) and manage to overcome any computer obstacle that comes their way.

On the other hand, it is appropriate to point out that there are video games that are also harmful to children's minds, since they imply too much violence. With one of these games, the person has the possibility, in a very virtual way, of becoming a murderer.

Violent video games may have some influence on the mass murders that are sometimes reported in the media, since, to some extent, the mind has already been trained for it. The best of the case is that where there are children we do not have that type of video game.


Obviously technology have its pros and cons ,