Is your Consistency enough to produce mouthwatering rewards?

An old man once said, if you want to brand yourself, just continuously get good at what you do, the rest is basically secondary!


Our mind and heart are so encompassing, that it has no limitations to what it can think of. The brain is made up of Neurons, which are cells that creates our thought process. These cells are what makes us think big even when our efforts cannot realize our thoughts.

If i think of becoming the best at what i do, will i attract success just because it is already registered in my mind or heart, even if little or no efforts are being made? Does this make the Law of attraction questionable?

Haven't you heard of quotes and comments that gratifies our thought process more than what we do and how we do what we do? Are they wrong about their optimism?

Here is it

The word "reward" simply expresses something given in exchange for a service or a product. Taking the word "exchange" into the limelight, is basically telling ourselves the honest truth.

Thinking big is necessary but that is just a key to the many masters doors needed to be opened.

Yes! you need to get geared up with your thoughts and big dreams, but that won't be enough because your legs, hands and mind need to climb the stairs to unlock the other master doors.

This simply tells us that, even if we think farther than the confines of the earth, we won't get rewarded if there is no or little efforts, as well as being inconsistent.

With the level of competition in different spheres of career, simply doing is not just enough anymore but consistently working and innovating is what can offer you the "mouth-watery" rewards that you definitely desire.

Hence, the law of attraction helps you gain success from within before drawing your visions into reality. This is extremely important, because 90% of what we do are being inspired by the mind.

Therefore, if your mind is not on the right track, your efforts may be misplaced.

Simply, your thoughts is to warm up while your effort + consistency is to build up!