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RE: The Bank of Neoxian - 2023-09-20

in The City of Neoxian2 months ago

Your issue with Hivewatchers is NOT settled, not at all, not one bit. Being placed in timeout in their discord is a PUNISHMENT. It's not a sign that things are settled, indeed it is a sign of the exact opposite.
This is why I got pissed and I was trying to explain it to you in Discord, but it was like talking to a brick wall.

I can go to the Hivewatchers discord just as easily as you can and see what's going on there. You last message to them in discord was not responded too, again, a strong sign that it isn't settled. I don't know if you are lying or extremely confused.


Oh I ma sorry for that. I never knew that you were trying to explain things to me then in the discord server

I have followed everything they have told me to do on the timeout.

Why I am not able to chat on the appeal is because I can't see the chat any longer.

And why I haven't responded to the discord message is because I am not yet currently online on discord server so I wasn't aware that a recent message has been dropped on the discord server in the timeout. . I will go there straight away to respond to the last message.

I am currently doing everything they are asking me to do possibly to get it cleared as you can see in our timeout chats so far.

I am trying my possible best to get it settled and do what they are asking me to do currently now

Once again please help me out concerning the loan 🙏🥺


Once again I have listen to the instructions they set and started making adjustments

You are my last hope concerning this loan concerning this emergency needs please 🥺🙏
