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RE: Reasons Why I Love My Country (Nigeria) & What I'll Like To Change

in The City of Neoxian2 years ago

Nigeria is actually a really great country not just because of her abundance of natural resources but for her people in that they are beautiful with their languages, culture and unity. 🌴🌴
Nigerians, like you have mentioned, are resilient in many ways. 💪💪💪
When it comes to music, we dey. Fashion wise, we're very creative. 🎺🎸🎹
Be it religion as well, we're really devoted. And they are socially and emotionally intelligent people.🛐🛐
It only is that we are unfortunate to have such terrible leaders with bad governance that leave us with a deteriorating economy. ↘️↘️
I am Nigerian, and proud one that loves his country!🇳🇬🇳🇬🇳🇬

Thank you for sharing, @mistural