Neoxian— City Writing Prompt#16: ANOTHER CHANCE TO LIFE.

Hello everyone, it's my first entry here in the cityofneoxian and am ao glad to participate. For thia prompt#16 , I will be writing on the best birthday celebration i have ever had and why it is so important to me.

Birthday are worthwhile celebrations i do not joke with . I cherish every new age i turn so much.
Suprisingly the birthday celebration i so much cherish is not my last birthday, neither is it the second to the last but rather third to the last.
It was indeed a second chance to life for me and was to my birthday celebration as well as celebration of a new life.

My birthday was to be on the 6/03/2022 the day after my school of nursing entrance examination. I woke up feeling so excited and overwhelmed. The joy of turning to a new age was written all over me but then i had an exams to seat for very early that saturday morning. I had my bath, ate breakfast and was all set for my exams. While preparing that morning for my exams i kept on kicking my legs on stones or anything i came across and this happened repeatedly . And my people would always say that those were always signs that something definetly is not right so i prayed and headed off for my exams. We were a bit much going for the exams so we boarded a taxi.
I was seated in the front with the driver with one other of my friend we were all set so we started the journey. When we started the driver was seriously overspeeding and we all cautioned him but it all went on deaf ears rather he responded asking us if he should leave the steering for us to drive.
The journey continued until few minutes later when our driver tried overtaking two vehicels in front then he smashed the back of another car and we where all thrown into a sloop and then smoke started fushing out of the car.
I was terribly injured i hit my chest and dislocated my waist but then there was still an exams to seat for. So we were rushed to a nearby clinic where we were given first aid treatment and asked to rest. We said no that we have to write our exams so we left with the pains. Before then i called home that we were involved in an accident.
So i sat for the exams with the pains and came out.
After the exams my mother and my friend were already waiting for me outside the gate. Mum took me to the hospital for scan and proper treatment.
The next day being sunday 6/03/2022. Was my birthday not because it was my birthday but simply because i was given a second chance to live and i wasnt annouced death a day to my birthday. I shed tears of joy each time i remeber this day. Mum cooked we invited few friends and we celebrated a second chance to life.


Love your dress so colorful!!😎

Thanks you very much ❤️

Oh oh!
That sounds so serious
I can’t even imagine you writing exams with so much pain
Indeed, you had to celebrate because you had been given a second chance to live

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How did you manage to write an exam with the pain? God's grace and His mercy found you my dear. Indeed another chance to live and celebrate life. Thanks for sharing your story with us

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Yes my dear
His grace indeed found me

Simply just stunning 🤩

You are indeed a strong lady. Personally I would have forfeited the exams. Thank goodness your efforts were not in vain.

It is amazing that you were capable to do your exams under the circumstances. I hope you were successful. It is very important to celebrate this important occasion - you were indeed given a new lease on life. This special day will live on in your memories and that of your loved ones.

Posted using Neoxian City

It is amazing that you were capable to do your exams under the circumstances. I hope you were successful. It is very important to celebrate this important occasion - you were indeed given a new lease on life. This special day will live on in your memories and that of your loved ones.

Posted using Neoxian City