We'll Get Out Of Here Together

"Gennaros, I told you before. I can't condone your mistakes anymore. You need to pack up and get out of here."

Gennaros knelt before his lover, Darias, who was also his boss.
"Please forgive me this time too."

"It's not possible."

"Darias, don't be cruel. If I leave here, the orcs will capture me and torture me to death."

"I'm not ruthless, I'm decisive and I have to be like this to run the fighting elves team."

And then he continued with a sarcastic tone:
"Also, when you sneaked out of the camp and met the smugglers, you didn't worry about the orcs attacking."

Gennaros exclaimed.
"Of course I was. But I had no choice but to cooperate with the smugglers. Because I had a serious illness and only they had the medicine for it."

"Is this another one of your lies?"

"No, I told you the truth."

"Then why didn't you tell me you were sick?"

"You were in a tough battle situation and I didn't want to put more burden on your shoulders."

Darias stared at him for some moments with confusion and then said:
"I have no choice but to kick you out to keep order here."

Gennaros said with a tone that was a mixture of sadness and anger.
"Maybe you just can't believe my words. Maybe you prefer not to believe so that you can get rid of me without a guilty conscience and open your arms to your dear Fidel."

Darias said sharply:
"Don't open his feet to this discussion."

Tears gathered in Gennaros' eyes.
"You must be very happy that this happened and you found an excuse to cut me out of your life."

"Stop talking nonsense."

"Alright, I'll go. You too bring Fidel to your bed and have fun with him, Grand Chief of the Fighting Elves."

Gennaros said these words and then turned his face and went to his room and collected his things and left the camp and entered the forest.

It was the middle of the night and the wind was shaking the dense and leafy branches of the tall and thick trees and the howling of the orcs' wargs could be heard from a relatively close distance.

Gennaros walked slowly through the rocks and grass while trying not to make the slightest sound, praying he wouldn't run into any orcs.

His heart was full of anger and hatred towards Darias and Fidel and he wished to stay alive so that he could return to the camp one day and plunge his dagger into their hearts.

Just as he was cursing them in his mind, suddenly his foot stepped on a metal object and his scream rose into the air. He looked down and realized that the object was a trap whose sharp teeth were now embedded in the flesh of his leg.
"Damn you, Darius and Fidel. I was so lost in your thoughts that I didn't look under my feet."

He clenched his teeth because of the pain and removed the trap from his leg and took a piece of his robe and bandaged his wound with it.

After that, he got up and while walking with difficulty, he continued his path in the heart of the dark forest, and meanwhile, the image of the body of an elf, who was tortured by the orcs, appeared in his mind.

The body was naked and blood was flowing from the bottom of his body and the wide hole that was created in it showed that the orcs had slept with him many times.

Gennaros shuddered and tried to push the image out of his mind.
"I will not be captured by the orcs. I will live so that one day I can take revenge on the abominable Darias and Fidel."

But the anger that was boiling in him, led him not to be saved, but to the orcs, and suddenly he found himself surrounded by a number of them.

He pulled out his sword from its scabbard and prepared to fight with them, but at that moment arrows hit the orcs and they fell to the ground.

His savior stepped out from behind a tree and Gennaros' eyes widened when he saw that it was Darias.
"What are you doing here?"

Darias came to him and sat on the ground when his eyes fell on the wound on his leg.
"Sit on my back."


"We'll get out of here together."

Gennaros stared at him for a few moments and as the melt of anger slowly evaporated from his being, he sat on Darias' back and wrapped his arms around his neck.
