My memories behind the covid-19

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Lately many of us in one way or another have had to spend our time and efforts in concerns that are related to our health or that of our relatives, take the example of covid-19 which is a disease that came into our lives as a result of the transmissibility of the coronavirus, those of us who got sick or had very mild symptoms also drag feelings of sadness for the loss of a family member, apart from this feeling remains latent fear of whether we can get sick of the same or any of its variants.

I really don't know if the covid-19 fad is over or if we have something to worry about, since I avoid seeing news related to the covid-19 pandemic. I recognize that there is no point in worrying, but rather we should be concerned, but I believe that humanity has done what it can to defend itself from this pandemic.

What can be done about a disease that appeared in the world unexpectedly?

Not much, we worked on the vaccine issue against the clock, so much of that work could have negative consequences of working with something that is unknown, what we were able to achieve with this pandemic is to achieve great repercussions worldwide, such as a shaky economy and even a search for a new world order.

There will come a time when perhaps we will forget this pandemic issue, not because it has no relevance, but to forget so much pain, however what we will never really forget is the memory of our relatives who left this world without even having the opportunity to have a say in the future of humanity given the present events, so I feel fortunate to use this space of the blockchain to say that the important thing behind every suffering is the ability to be in solidarity with our fellow man and to offer a helping hand even with a word of encouragement.