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RE: Lessons to Learn about Crypto, Money, and Life

So many nuggets packed into a single post. Uncertainty is definitely the only certainty in life. Nothing should really be taken for granted because it will sooner or later become unavailable to us, regardless of whether it's our own doing or not. Sometimes, I do tell myself that becoming wealth with crypto is way harder than most people imagine. When the bull market comes, many of us get rich. But most of it is lost during the bears and we more or less start again from the bottom.


Thanks for the comment. It's true, while the statement might seem antithetical, I just feel that uncertainty is one one of those things that are certain in life, sometimes the illusion of the position we are presently in cannot change it. It's harsh but when you look at how some people who did everything right but were still unfortunate, this proves that life is uncertain and can be favorable and cruel to just anyone.

Right. In a way, one has to be prepared for both circumstances, especially the unfortunate ones. I think life is inherently insensible, perhaps insensitive too. And this is a good way to navigate through life, both the good and bad, knowing nothing is certain or permanent.

You're most welcome!