
I have proven my innocence with so many evidences... Accepting that they were wrong is the issue here.

I think it is best to acknowledge how this really works. They will deprive you of money unless you have more money than them. If you have the money you can do whatever you want, as they do.

I have no issue with people using their own stake however they like, even when I disagree, but Hive Watchers is a community funded "project", and they should have the smallest scope possible and have high standards in their conduct on line.

Because of how stake replaces human values on Hive, the 'community' needs only be one phat wallet.

I don't disagree with you. I point out it's impossible to meet your standard on Hive because of the unreasonable elevation of financial assets over any other human values.

It isn't about values, it is strictly an agreement that we voluntarily choose to use the DPOS governance.

I don't value their point of view above my own. I don't like them more than others and I certainly don't think everyone of them should be in a position of power, but rather I view it as... DPOS. As owners of the stake they have the right to use it to move the platform how they can/or want to.

It's also slightly funny because of the early mining.. often the skill set of figuring out the "Mine" and Management or Leadership do not go hand and hand.

While I might value other values, at the end of the day.. Stake Rules and those really are rules. These silly control moves of who can post what are something different "enforced standards" maybe.

BUT DPOS, stake is the ultimate tie breaker.

Code is infinitely mutable. Every moment is a new era in which we decide how we will act, and each of us, including as stake holders and coders of platforms and blockchains, proceeds to act according to the values we prefer to uphold. While we are here, I reckon neither of us has the ability to act on behalf of others, particularly in their roles as stake holders and coders, and, as you point out, it isn't in our wheelhouse to do so.

We can discourse on such matters as our values suggest to us are best, and I know I do, and am confident you do as well. No one claims Hive is perfect, yet majority stake holders remain intent on maintaining financial values as superior to others I am confident are of more import, and would rectify such problems as a shrinking user base and spam, scams, and plagiarism on Hive were they granted the import they merit on Hive.

Some of the whales have always treated the "posting" side with disdain and disinterest.

It's why they mostly ignore it, and allocate their stake to the "fund" which they also totally control.

Again their skill sets, views, desire and ability to drive something forward may or may not be ideal, but it really doesn't matter. They have the right to be wrong and back it with stake. DPOS