Shining Dice Summoners

in The City of Neoxian3 years ago


Wow, finally I maxed my dice summoners and yep it's time to celebrate woot


Do you guys really think it was an easy task? heck, no working on dice summoners was like hell. I am officially bankrupted while upgrading those summoners. First, I thought let's make them at least gold level so I can play gold league tournaments without having any fear of such rules where dice summoners do wonders. We all know how Mylor price is touching the sky. Rest of the dice summoners are still very cheap. I know Lorna shine is not less than Mylor and she is still affordable. I made my mind, I thought before it gets above dollar let's just do the needful. I spent my all dec saving on Lorna shine and now she is maxed and my life deck is shining like a star just because of Lorna shine :P XD


My next target was Owster Rotwell. Since it was pretty cheap and I already had level 6 so now it was the time to max that summoner up. But I was decless and I went ahead and purchased credits and maxed owster rotwell. This summoner is really very great in order to counter the magic attack. There are some certain rules where you don't have any choice but magic attack so that's where you can create magic using Owster rotwell.

Owster Rotwell


Brighton Bloom

Brighton bloom so good summoner especially in an earthquake rule. I have been suffering from earthquake rule and my village people were bullying me using Brighton bloom. Well, I bought it at 0.6$/BCX and now it is 0.4$ BCX village people reduced prices and when I was waiting for the price dump no one was willing to do so. Hence proved village people are real 😒



This summoner is really becoming a headache. I am losing untamed tournaments just because of this summoner. And I am so desperate to max this shit asap (Pardon my wording) but it is what it is. Well, yesterday I purchased 5 Bcx 1.29$/BCX and made it at least level 6 so I can play gold level tournaments. Gold league tournaments rewards aren't appealing anyone and the real deal is champion league tournaments. Now I am thinking how much time it will take to get maxed.

I am crying



55 Bcx means lots of money. And I don't see its price coming down. Now I have 2 ways and I am thinking which will be the right way. Buying dice packs or just save some money and buy Mylor alone. I am not sure if I will be getting enough Mylor if I buy dice packs. I think the 2nd idea is cool. I will see what can I do because I am not going to rest until I get it at a maxed level. That's all for now Happy splinterlanding. Oh, yea only 3 days left in the season I wish the best season-ending to everyone.

Posted via | The City of Neoxian


@legendchew latest post was on Oct 23rd 2019, and he upvoted on this post. Hm.