Splinterlands Shopping spree and Guild brawls

in The City of Neoxian3 years ago
Heya warrior's

I am so annoyed at myself. I don't know what to do with myself. I just can't understand why I can't save decs. The moment I win a good amount of decs from the tournaments the next moment I peek on my collection and check which card needs to be get upgraded.
When I emptied my dec wallet then I decide now no more shopping, I need to save decs for Kitty summoner. But naw there is something inside me which constantly instigates me to go and do some splinterlands shopping. I forgot when last I went shopping in my real-life but splinterlands is the place where I daily buy something. Can you imagine spending dollars on digital cards? I need a heavenly punch like this


I really deserve this. According to my study Dragon kitty summoner is pretty cheap right now. It is selling at 15$/BCX which is not that much cheap but if we see the worth of this summoner then sure it is cheap. Before it gets to 30$/BCX I just want to buy this card. The irony of life is I didn't get even a single Kitty in an airdrop 😥but such is life. So i need all 11 BCX in order to max this kitty up. For that purpose, I went to the market and checked the price of 11 BCX Byzantine Kitty. Currently, you need 164$ to max this kitty up. And it will cost 187 k Dec. I had that amount of decs but my bad I didn't pay attention and I bought alpha cards instead.






I purchased the maxed Alpha edition spineback turtle. I maxed out my Silvershield Paladin. Maxed my valnamor finally. I only needed 2 BCX and I spent 100k+ decs on that 2 BCX I am still pained :P XD. I bought a maxed Caladium.

So the amount of decs I spent on these cards I could have purchased Byzantine Kitty instead but my little ignorance and now I am regretting. Anyway, those cards were also important. If not today then tomorrow I had to work on them so all is well.

Total spending

  • Spineback turtle --> 50USD

  • Silvershield Knight --> 15 USD

  • Silvershield Paldin --> 15USD

  • Gold Foil Level 8 Goblin Shaman--> 17USD (I needed it for zawarrior)

  • 2 BCX Valnamor--> 77USD

  • Caladum ---> 25USD
    I spent almost 250k Decs. Splinterlands shopping is an addiction trust me. I just can't stop myself I want to have every single card in my collection. And now I am having a Gold foil deck craze. O God please save me I am totally mad. People say buying cards is easy and selling them is quite hard but I don't agree with it. I placed my extra cards on the market and they all are gone. Those who actually believe in this game actually invest in the game.

Breaking News

Splinterlands Guild brawls are coming. Right now some guilds are participating in test guild brawls.


Brawls option is only available on testnet. You have to login via https://qa.splinterlands.io/. If you have monster maverick status on the splinterlands server then you can join. When I clicked on brawls it asked me that I need to create an arena for brawls. We can create an arena in our guild building.



We are at level 0 and if we want to create an Arena we have to achieve Level 1 and for level 1 we will have to contribute 10k decs. It is the same as the building we contributed in order to max our guild buildings.

Guild Arenas are constructed to host huge battles (known as BRAWLS). The larger the Arena, the bigger the Brawls!

I don't know how many levels does it have but it seems if want to participate in Big Arena's we have to achieve maximum level by contributing decs. Ok, I found it in the info section.


Hmmmm 1.5 million decs are required for the maxed level. At level 1 only 13 guild players can play brawls. And if we get it to the maxed level then all player will be able to play. The rewards multiplier is quite interesting. I am very excited about it we will see how it goes.


If you want to play splinterlands then SignUp Here


Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian


I think that Valnamor it's more important, probably max out it is the correct move.

Yes I needed it badly so i had to max valnamor

Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian

i keep telling myself to just sell the $dec and take a profit - but then i remember that i'm always losng and need to upgrade my cards LOL

teh battle is real - i feel your pain ;)

yes, the pain is real

Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian