Neoxian Voter - Earn Daily Rewards

For three months I have been studying some hive-engine coins and I have come to the conclusion that one of the coins and communities with the greatest future is Neoxian City

In this post I want to present a new project @neoxianvoter, it is a curation project with daily dividends, just like the large accounts in Hive do, receiving delegation and distributing daily dividends.

The big difference with other projects is that we have a website, where you can check your position in the table of delegators and you can check at all times how much profit you will receive in the next payment.

When do I receive my dividends?

When the reward reaches 100%, about once a day.

When you share your NEOXAG delegation with @neoxianvoter you immediately enter the list of participants and start receiving rewards in less than 24 hours, after 7 days your rewards improve, because after that time we can count on the increase in dividends that your account produces ...

To delegate NEOXAG you must first stake it and then delegate to the @neoxianvoter account. If you don't know how to delegate NEOXAG, I will explain in detail in another publication, for now I will read your opinions and questions.

Cheer up and participate and let's grow together...

You can check your position and your reward at this URL
Join up 👋

@bigtakosensei @luislrt @itzchemaya @cwow2

Posted using Neoxian City


I completely missed this, sorry!
Undelegating from Lolz now, so I can delegate to you ^^ :D

Thank You 👍