The Lame also Rides Bikes

in Cyclinglast month

Hello, my dear friends of the #cycling community. Today has been a great one for me and my family and I hope we are having wonderful times in our various locations.

For my schedule today, the first on the list was to finish up house chores then next was to carry out my cleaning activity which I dropped in the cleanplanet community.
Still in my schedule was a planned visit to Michael's house to get my bike and exercise my muscles, it's been a while since school runs don't let me have time to ride around town. So after my cleaning activity, I showered up properly and then headed for Michael's house. When I got there, I brought my bike out and began the short ride.

Since the ride was just by our street, a less busy street, I put on my headphones, listening to the song I hope to present in the #vibes contest for week 17. With the vibes from the song I was listening to, I felt like I was in a private jet, hehe.

So as I proceeded to ride out from my street, I saw a lady riding with her hands. I have seen this lady before and I shared a photo of her while riding here in this community. So coming to see her again made me have this feeling of pity.
To be honest, seeing this woman ride a bike with her hands changed my mentality about bikes, cyclists and humans generally.
Women have strong and unique personalities. I'm beginning to believe this saying that, "What a man can do, a woman can do it better, lol.

When I saw a young girl helping the lady push her bike from the sandy path from her home to the main road, I knew something was wrong. So I decided to go ask the girl. She explained everything about the lady and then asked for help from me. I felt very sad having nothing to give to her, seriously, I had no cash with me at that moment, and I couldn't help.

She said that the lady lost her husband in a fatal accident while they were traveling. She was lucky to survive but had her limbs amputated. Since then, her church has donated a Hand Bike for her(bike paddled by hand, bike for the lame). Her husband left her with three children and she had to cater for them. So as a way of hustling to make sure the family has daily bread, she rides her hand bike with a bucket of snacks behind the bike. She tries her best to hand-paddle the bike to long distances to make impressive sales of her snacks.

This is a clear definition of love for the family, passion and patience. Women are wonderful people and deserve to be celebrated even more than they have always been celebrated.

Another joy came to my heart as I realized that bikes are also made for the lame. So the lame also have the right to ride bikes? If the legs can't paddle, then the hands can take over.
So the major achievements of my ride today are the discovery of bikes for the lame and the realization of the potentiality of the feminine gender.

Thanks for reading.
This is my entry for the #julyinleo prompts of the day, day #23.
To know more about the #julyinleo:

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Great cycle, let's you see a lot more and you work those muscles! Well done!


Thanks for encouraging words from you.
Have a nice day.

You have met a resilient woman today, making a living despite her physical challenges. Thanks for sharing ❤️

Thanks for checking up on me friend.
She is really a resilient woman indeed.
Enjoy your day friend.

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