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RE: Ride for fun; Bicycles don’t have speedometers.

in Cyclinglast month (edited)

There is no way you can measure the speed and acceleration of your bicycle digitally

There is!
My cycling navigation has a speedometer, but there are also a bit cheaper solutions to measure your speed and distance.

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Ooops. Do you buy it for the bike or how? I would like to have one too. If possible

Check these on Amazon:

Cheapest on there is $7.83
But maybe you have one in a shop nearby too.

Wow! Actually my first time seeing this. Look so good on the handlebars. And the prices are affordable too.

Will check some of our online stores if I could get one of its kind.

Good luck with your search!
It also tracks your distance and has a timer.

Yeah thanks so much. I really appreciate 😊.

Wow. So much to know about bicycles.