Repairing my bike Day #1 [ESP-ENG]

in Cycling4 months ago

WhatsApp Image 2024-02-07 at 12.10.24 AM.jpeg

Dia N°1 arreglando mi bicicleta

Day N°1 fixing my bicycle

Saludos, amigos de la comunidad de Cycling espero se encuentren bien, últimamente no he podido publicar mis rutas o mis pequeñas aventuras en bicicleta, ya que mi bicicleta se dañó. Igualmente, como iba a hacerlas sin bicicleta.
Greetings, friends of the Cycling community I hope you are well, lately I have not been able to publish my routes or my little adventures on bicycle, since my bike was damaged. Anyway, as I was going to do them without a bike.

Se preguntarán cómo se dañó mi bicicleta. Les cuento, hace una semana, note que el eje del rin trasero se aisló y al manejar se movía el caucho y no se podía manejar.
You may wonder how my bike got damaged. I tell you, a week ago, I noticed that the rear rim axle was isolated and when riding the rubber was moving and I couldn't ride it.

Este día lo que hice fue desarmarla para lavarla muy bien y quitar algunas partes de la bicicleta para realizarle un buen mantenimiento, luego la dejé secar y la guarde, mañana pienso ir a comprar los respuestos para colocarlos e igualmente necesito cambiar otras piezas, pero se los iré mostrando en las próximas publicaciones.
This day what I did was to disassemble it to wash it very well and remove some parts of the bike to perform a good maintenance, then I let it dry and keep it, tomorrow I will go to buy thespare parts to place them and I also need to change other parts, but I will show you in the next publications.

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WhatsApp Image 2024-02-07 at 12.10.26 AM.jpeg

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Estás distintas fotografías, muestran lo que realice con mi bicicleta, espero les hayan gustado y nos vemos pronto ya con la bicicleta lista ¡Nos vemos!
These different pictures show what I did with my bike, I hope you liked them and see you soon with the bike ready, See you soon!

"Da siempre lo mejor de ti. Lo que siembres hoy dará su fruto mañana"
"Og Mandino"
"Always give your best. What you sow today will bear fruit tomorrow."
"Og Mandino"

Contenido original creado por Joscar Mundo
Original content created by Joscar Mundo




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Wow. That is some serious maintenance. I just did some cleaning maintenance last weekend, but I often keep my wheels on my bicycle then.
Although by removing the wheels you can do a better cleaning job.

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That's right, you can say that I washed it completely and I learned a lot of things, because I'm not a motorcycle expert either, it's great to be able to fix your bike yourself.

Best regards!