Crossing the Taurus mountains in Turkey by bike (part I)

in Cycling7 months ago

Expedition into the wild, two people and two bikes, crossing the Taurus mountains in Turkey.

Cold air in my hair, the sun burning on my face, as far as I can see no trace of civilisation. Few trees, hills and endless grassland. When I stop for a second the silence is laying itself on me, bigger and emptier than the huge sky over my head.

We get up with the morning prayers, before sunrise. The air is freezing cold. A lot of kilometres lay in front of us. I am a bit sick and it is my birthday.

Since days I am hugely excited to cycle through Turkish mountains.

Silence, wilderness and freedom are my expectations.

We cross Afyon in the early morning hours, stacking up our banana and breakfast supplies.

Out of town, the scenery starts to get interesting straight away, combined with a little uphill ride, taking longer than expected. Little trucks smoking black are passing us almost the same speed. Almost every car is horning at us, waving. People are looking at us as if we had lost our minds, then they smile and wave. We wave back and keep on going up.

The view we chose for our breakfast made me forget, that I was promised 0km of cycling for my birthday. This landscape unfolding in front of my eyes, is everything I could have wished for!

Bananas, peanut butter and "Simit" are our breakfast.

We cross a little town, the last one in a while, where we stack up on snacks. Two old guys are asking us if we are lost, and if we need help. At least that’s how I interpret, without understanding a word of what they say. After we explain that we have a map on the phone and everything was fine, they seem reassured and say goodbye.

The midday sun begins to burn down heavy on our skin, while the air is still piercing cold. We cycle across some promising big trees offering the most wonderful shade. But then we decide to cycle up the next mountain instead, as any reasonable cyclist would.

Every single person we cross waves and smiles at us, amused and happy.

We feel welcomed and safe in this deserted but beautiful, harsh but peaceful land. It is as if all those people invite us, two dusty travellers, to cross their land.

Eventually reason takes over and we choose to have a siesta in one of the inviting shady spots next to the road. As we stop complete silence overcomes us. Every step in the dry grass makes a loud crunching sound, every car passing bursts the thick silence, wind in the trees is singing into our ears.

Even though I feel weak, my stomach hurts and I do not dare to eat anything else than bananas and bread, I couldn’t feel better.

But the day isn’t over!

We cross another village, endless roads, every turn around a curve makes us fall into admiring silence of this land. Every shape of it is clear, round, soft, laying there in front of us. Calm and endless.

As we approach the last mountain for the day, we stop midway on the side of the road. Greeted by a puppy and a truck driver who offers us a baklava. Gladly accepting, I wouldn’t have had another birthday cake opportunity that day.

Enjoying the two bites with the view, gasping at the endless straight road we came from. “Once we used to be all the way over there…”

At the top 1440m sun is setting, we should have set up camp, but that only occurred to us later, too late.

Cycling down I almost laugh and cry of love because I can’t believe what my eyes see. Clear colours, round rocks a bit of warm air, peaks of giant mountains tinted in red. Everything passes, time, the descent, wind.

Peace and beauty.

Moments later we are at the lake, feeling stupid, because now we are searching for a spot to sleep, when up there we wanted to stay everywhere. When I start to cry out of exhaustion, feeling like I failed at everything, we pitch the tent next to the lake. Trying to remind myself that there is no reason to regret any previous decisions, even though they might have been stupid.

Again, I managed to go through every possible range of emotions in only one day. Glad to be here, on my birthday, celebrating another year on this beautiful earth.

We barely sat down, as the sound of the evening prayers echo into the evening.

Sunrise to sundown, over 100kilometres and I don't know how many meters of elevation.

Many thanks to everyone passing by, have a great week!

All the words and photos are my own written and taken by me.


Sunrise to sundown, over 100kilometres and I don't know how many meters of elevation.

Impressive! Especially when you're not feeling well. Happy Birthday! What a way to spend it. I bet this one will always stand out in your memory.

Where you're cycling, the land reminds me of this area in South Okanagan, British Columbia.

Again, I managed to go through every possible range of emotions in only one day.

I call that the Festival of Feelings 😂

Thank you😊 Indeed, I won't forget this one, I guess the views I had are difficult to top with even the fanciest cake..😁

Yes, definitely, this kind of high-up-deserted mountain/desert landscape, I love it!! (never seen it like this before, but reminded me of places at the same time):)


The views are the cake and you became one with the fanciest cake of all😉😂

There's something about that mountain/desert mix, did the same thing to me the first time and I still don't know the what the magic is 😄

There's a lake in that type of area in British Columbia, called Spotted Lake.


I still don't know the what the magic is

Ha, no, me either. I have a few theories though😁

Oha, that looks crazy, the lake!! Have you been there?

I have a few theories though😁

I'd like to hear...if you want to share... 😄

I have been to that lake, or rather saw it from just above it. It's a sacred area, so people are not allowed down directly to the lake. On the day I was there, the colours weren't visible, but I could see all the round areas clearly. The day was overcast, if I remember correctly, in order to see the colours, it has to be a bright sunny day. Still though, it was really cool. The lake itself is not very big.

Sooo I was wondering if it is kind of dependent on which element you are drawn to (or which element you are by zodiac sign for example) and for me that would be earth so I though maybe thats why I am so touched be those endless amounts and awesome shapes of... earth:)
A bit like it is with the sea, for a lot of people, I guess many agree that the sea has a kind of magic and calming infinity... if I had to choose I would choose mountain/desert over the sea though.

Sounds very interesting, though it must be awesome if you could actually swim or touch the water. Then on the other side maybe it's better fenced if there are that many people visiting...

That's one that works. I've noticed often people are drawn to the element that corresponds to their zodiac sign. Oh the shapes of the earth like that, yes, I can only agree. I don't know if I could choose either mountain/desert or the sea. Where I'm from has both and where I live has neither. I miss both equally.

The lake I linked you to is on reserve land, native land. No doing anything on their land, even a few pieces of a common weed caused issues. The lake is used strictly for native ceremonies (again secret unless one is native). I'd still like to go down to it, walk in the water, sit by the lake.


Your post is phenomenally beautiful, and I can imagine - though probably it'd be too cold - jumping in the lake... I can so imagine too, how immensely emotional and life-changing this kind of trip can be... Such big energies moving, as you exert yourselves so very extremely... I am doing a big physical job this week, dismantling a tree, and it is intense just that little exertion! Bravissimi e tanti tanti augurissimi!!


Wow, thank you for sharing your incredible journey! I can only imagine how challenging is, but it sounds like you truly enjoying every moment of it.

Happy birthday, life is a precious, and is there better way celebrate it then to explore the new worlds.

Thank you again for sharing your story, have some !PIZZA and !BEER on the way!

Thank you!!

Yes it does really keep you just in the moment, all the time!
And I also agree on the birthday part, setting intentions...:)

Beer and Pizza is always very welcome😁

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Such beautiful sceneries you captured there!
Good to see the adventure continues!

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Thank you!! Yes it does:)

Its Beautiful!

It's a great tasks and journey you have carried on. I could sense the great feeling of excitement deep inside of you while releasing the when forward.

Thank you! Indeed it is a very exciting experience:)

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Thanks, for the little motivations😊🚲🙃

You're welcome! We're thrilled to see you enjoying the Hive community. Keep up the great work and continue sharing your wonderful posts! 😊

Wow! Every description felt like I was on this ride with you guys. Especially the part where you rested under a shade and heard every rustling move and the cars as they passed by. It reminds me of my time in the bushes close to the road where I walked away from the school premises to roam and explore the forest.

It's lovely you did what you love on your birthday (happy birthday in arrears🎉🥳).
All the emotions packed and shared of an intriguing day to appreciate life. Well done.
I hope you feel a whole lot better now. !hug

Thank you for those lovely words!! It's really nice, hearing you appreciated my writings:)

Aha, surely there is a lot to explore on the side of the roads, and not just on them:)

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