Another dream fulfilled

in Cycling27 days ago (edited)

Yesterday I fulfilled my dream of biking to Playa Baracoa (Baracoa Beach). I thought I couldn't pedal 43 kilometers in a day, but I did.


Here I share the outward route, which was not the same as the return. However, it was good, I got to know places I had never been to before. It turns out that Yoyo Batman picked me up at home around 9 am and he was in charge of marking the route on his map, according to which, we would take an exit street hjgfddafghf 😄, whatever, to Santa Fé, and there we would meet the group with whom we were going on this excursion on wheels.

It was interesting indeed. After taking the detour from the highway we went through picturesque villages (It's a shame I don't have photos because of the rush, but this will be resolved in the future), luckily the roads we drove on were probably better than the ones in the city and the best thing was that we had to climb very few hills. Most of the time it was downhill, so the journey was fairly easy.

Route to Baracoa Beach on Strava

Baracoa is a few kilometres after from the residential neighbourhood of Santa Fé. We were going along 7th Avenue to get to the Panamerican Highway, both roads in very good condition too. As soon as I saw the Latin American School of Medicine (ELAM, for its Spanish acronym) appear on my right, memories of a beautiful period I lived there in that beach started to come back.


This is the Santa Ana River. The ELAM has this river on one side and the sea on the other. It was inaugurated in 1999 in the facilities of a former Naval Academy and is a scientific-pedagogical project that benefits students from 122 countries in America, Africa, Asia and Oceania.

... Baracoa.

I had to take at least two photos of the village, where I knew we would not be passing through later. Once the boys and girls were near the sea and the huts, they were not going to move much further from there.


It is a small coastal town, with very nice little houses and I have to say that it acquired a lot of development with the inauguration of ELAM. It was precisely between 2000 and 2002, if I remember correctly, that I lived there in a house I rented. Well, there were two. I stayed for a while in a huge wooden house facing the sea and then in a flat, no longer on the beachfront.

The locals in Baracoa (those who can and have the means) rent houses or rooms to national and foreign tourists.


I didn't ask but I'm pretty sure this is one of those little houses they rent out. It immediately caught my attention because of its colours.


The sky was cloudy but the heat and the sun never stopped, maybe at the end of the post I'll share with you a semi-nude, let's say, the *bonus-photo of the day 😁 so you can see what happened to me and how I'm now bicolour. Don't cheat! Stick around and read. 🤣

The weather forecast said it would rain and it did, but in the evening while I was putting creams on my body ..... Then we had our first "little rain" of May. Last year at this time I had ripe mangoes on my trees and this year it turns out that almost all the mangoes have fallen off without being properly done.

... Baracoa 😁 (We went to refuel)


The Guarapo - Sugarcane Juice (hahaha... can't miss it)


Then we went down to the First Street, the one I showed in the picture at the beginning of this post, where you can see the wooden bridge. There we put our bikes in one place and secure them. I stayed there as a watchtower while I took some photos. The others went for a swim in the sea.

(Don't think I didn't try the water, of course I did...). I'm not really one to spend that much time in the water, I just swam a bit and I was very happy).


It turns out that while I was wandering around with my camera in hand, I heard some locals say that this bridge was repaired thanks to the goodwill of a Norwegian citizen, who has made some donations to the village and is actively involved in cultural and sports projects in Cuba. Come to think of it, I could have asked a hivian who is from this area, @pinero, whom, by the way, I met yesterday in person.


I enjoyed seeing the place so beautiful. I imagined for a moment coming to stay here and enjoying a sunset there, in front of the sea.


The boys are having fun on the trampoline hahaha... it was a blast, I took some more photos.


Some people prefer this place for bathing. I include myself in this group. In fact, it was where I always went very early in the morning and in the evening when I lived here.


However, there is also a small sandy beach and even at this time when I took these pictures, the sea was quite crowded.


I've already written almost a thousand words and I still have so much to say about our trip... Surely a few more pictures will arrive in the next few days.

I haven't forgotten about the semi-nude LOL.

WhatsApp Image 2024-05-20 at 3.41.26 PM.JPG


Here I was, trying out some creams. Avoid this kind of sun exposure 😁.

Strava's map for the way back home


... and the statistics here.

See you soon! 😇

Original content by @nanixxx. All rights reserved ©, 2024.


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Proximo viaje; llegar al Salado !!! Y asi, playa Banes y por ahi pa allá !!!

Sugerencia; hacer un mapa con todos los puntos de guarapo en las rutas !!!

Niña, como es que te pones asi !!! Eso no puede ser !!! Y te estoy regañando duro !!!😠 A cuidar esa piel a partir de ahora !!! 🙏


Entendido, jefa! Jajaja... No sería mala idea pedir a algún desarrollador una App para localizar guaraperas. Es el combustible de los ciclistas.

Jajajaja... No habia pensado en una app, todavia pienso analógico 😂... Ya iba yo por ahí en un mapa de papel marcando guaraperas y haciendo una guía.

Pero ya imagino una app en que salga la guarapera con su ubicacion, si está abierta o no y hasta cuanto guarapo le queda por vender o la demanda, para saber unos km antes si tiras por ahí o vas para otra. 😁 Me encanta !!!

I am absolutely amazed by this tour, the distance, the beautiful things you saw, and that beautiful beach!

Watch out for the sun! Use sunscreen!😉

Yo también estoy amazed. 🤭😂

I'm a mess, I admit it.

Sos una genia!!! He dicho! Buenas noches!

😂 sí sí... Descansa que es tarde.

Very happy to hear you accomplished riding to Playa Baroca!! Your smile in that photo says it all😊
...a thousand words, and still more to say? I feel you, maybe because when we cycle there is so much we see and feel and experience, one day just feels like a few. Which I find beautiful!😊🌸

I know you understand me because we cyclists have many deep thoughts.... I was so absorbed in my thoughts that I didn't put on sunscreen. 🤣

Thank you!

I was so absorbed in my thoughts that I didn't put on sunscreen. 🤣

I know that too😂😂

Eva María Sí que te pegó el sol 😮 En esta época creo que necesitarás proyector solar en tus aventuras ciclísticas. Wao! Hacía tiempo que no visitaba ese lugar ni siquiera en fotos, me encanta la foto del chico a punto de caer al agua 🙌📸

Eva María se fue buscando el sol en la playa... 🎶 de tanto sol que cogió... 🤣😅...

Tengo protector solar, pero estos viajes largos por carretera lo que llevan es una licra larga y mangas largas. Es que soy un poco entretenida, tú sabes.

Me alegra que hayas disfrutado este viaje virtual a Playa Baracoa. 🤗

Yo prefiero empanizarme con protector solar como si fuera un fantasma, la ropa me da calor 😅

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Ya puedo decir que fui a Barbacoa y en bici 😂 El lugar está precioso , espero visitarlo algún día y probar el trampolín 😁

43 Km esta duro , te admiro, aunque ahora eres Nanixxx bicolor 😅. ¿Pudiste caminar al día siguiente?

Como siempre, me encantó tu post , no pares de pedalear y documentar , me encanta

Oh, yeah, bicho. Ya fui a mi trabajo y viré en bici. 😄


😁 Gracias.

Buen título 🤣🤣

Con este sol , el calor y los apagones , te admiro el doble , el triple y no se qué número, aunque leer tus post me dan ganas de salir a montar 😁

Pero hoy sí me forré con mangas largas y patas largas jajaja... a montar!

😂😂 aprendida la lección entonces 😂

No se si lo leíste en mi post del otro día o si la has visto , pero el otro día vi una película sobre una muchacha que hizo 13 500 (Bélgica - Japón) en su bicicleta, asi te veo dentro de poco , hasta Santiago nadie te para 😂

😅 No será dentro de poco, pero seguramente iré más lejos que Playa Baracoa.

Me perdí ese post 😲 (dame link)

Estoy seguro que llegarás lejos y espero post sobre ello 😁

El documental 👇🏼 (se qué te gustará )

I see you're doing well, meeting your goals, and that you look good with that two-color skin. It's going to turn out that I'm going to like color pictures too, hahaha. I liked the beach photos.

A big hug

😅 Now I have the tattoo of the cyclists!

Big hug

I guess you'll be posting, in a while?
See you later

😶 (estoy sin palabras)

Tengo que procesar unas ideas, pero estoy segura de que necesito rodar y quemarme un poco más al sol.

Seguro que es así...


Te dejo unas palabras 📖 (por si hace falta 😁)

That exotic and colorful rental home is really beautiful. In your blog, it also caught my attention{ even my full eyes}.
I hope we could also see first rain of may 😢

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Taha! 😁 Hehehe... thank you.

No rain there? Wait, I'll phone the rain warden to bring down a good downpour in May! 😅

Wow! 43 kilometers by bike that's a huge distance but from your photos it looks like the trip was worth it.
Thanks for taking us on your tour thanks to your camera lens :)
I can imagine you got home exhausted, apart from sunstroke, oh my god, you look like you got a red tattoo on your legs, lol.
I'll be watching what you tell us in the coming days, hehe 👇😆

I haven't forgotten about the semi-nude LOL.

Feliz día! 🤗

But come on... the semi-nude part was my legs and feet. For me, there's nothing more intimate than showing off my feet 😂

it looks like the trip was worth it

Yes, for many reasons, from a personal challenge of achieving that distance for the first time on a bike, to the memories I went to close there. And let new sensations in. Living in the present.


(no estaba adolorida, ya mi cuerpo se ha adaptado a pedalear y nada duele, solo sentía ardor por "el tatuaje" que también fue en los brazos)

You're a real hero! 🚲
You deserve a cold drink and something for the skin as that must hurt. Although I don't know which is worse, muscle pain or sunburn? 😬



Hahaha... Yes, I almost feel like a hero. My muscles don't hurt, my skin is burning and now a little more because I woke up in the middle of a blackout. Damn! We are going to roast here. And the mosquitoes!

Thank you, Erikah. 😉🥴

Try to apply cucumber on it, it helps a lot as it hydrates the skin.

Poor you! 😟 I haven't seen mosquitos in years.

17% battery... This power cut seems to have happened shortly after I fell asleep at 12 am, the phone didn't even take a charge.
I would be full of cucumbers right now hahaha... Nice day to you Erikah, my friend.

Thank you Nanixxx, you too :)

Thank you. For the time being, I'll try to get some sleep... I don't know how but... I'll try. 😵‍💫😄👋🏻

How cool you met @pinero. He looks divertido :))

No muy divertido - la quemadura del sol 🤐

Arde todavía 🙂

Pinero was organizing something with his colleagues that I suppose he will talk about later. We saw each other for a quick moment. But I think so, 😄 luce divertido.

No solo divertido sino y bastante activo entonces :)

Arde todavía 🙂

then it is perfect to call a 👨‍🚒


Estoy llamando y no vieneeee 😁

Ouuch! that skin looks sore, get some aloe vera on it

Ouuuch, 😅🤭/

Yeah... Everything that helps will be put there!

pink is not the best colour lol

Amanda!! Tú sí suenas!! Estás cada día mejor, pronto te veo camino a Candelaria.

No voy a Baracoa desde que era una adolescente, qué bonito! Guarapito otra vez, qué ricura!!

Estás cada día mejor

😂 ¿Por qué lo dices? jajaja... broma. Tengo ya un poco de musculatura ciclista y soy bicolor.

...¿Por qué lo dices?

Por el Taichí 😂🤣

😅 Sí monitora.

Baracoa,te trae muchos recuerdos y a mí también cuando tú hermana y yo íbamos a visitarte. Bonito día el que pasaste. Cuidate esas quemaduras para que estén sanas antes de nuestro próximo viaje. 🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

😉😄🤫... Señora madre no esté adelantando nada. Jajaja...

Uy ese semi-nude está ardiente jejeje

Un bonito lugar, lo visité la primera vez que estuve en Cuba, recuerdo que hacía mucho calor ese día ¡y tenía tantas ganas de lanzarme a la playa! Pero no pude porque fuimos a otra cosa. Bellas imágenes como siempre :)

Jajaja... ¡sobre todo ardiente! ¡Cómo arde!

WOW, estuviste allí también. 😛 Espero que un día puedas visitarnos de nuevo, amiga.

Un abrazo y gracias ;)


Uff, ¡me encantaría volver! Un abrazo 😊

I didn't cheat, I swear it like the demonic owl that I am 🦉

Woow it hit you hard, the sun was strong my God haha

The picture of the guy trampolining is deadly haha it gave me vertigo 😂

I know you went to look at the end of the post. The owl's curiosity always gets the better of you.

It's so much sun that I hate it sometimes. It's extreme.

Un búho con vértigo 😂🤭... Raaaro

Me encantaron todas las fotos y detalles que compartiste. Se nota que disfrutaste mucho el recorrido y los lugares tan pintorescos que visitaron. La playa de Baracoa luce paradisíaca, con esas aguas cristalinas y el puente de madera. Entiendo que tengas tantos buenos recuerdos de haber vivido allí. Parece un lugar mágico y tranquilo para relajarse. ❤️

Gracias @jessuses1381, qué alegría que te ha gustado mi post. Además del hecho de que viví allí y el pueblito es muy chulo, llegar en bicicleta era una meta que quería lograr. Y bueno, sabes que cuando logramos un objetivo... nos trazamos otro inmediatamente jajaja...😁 ¡Saludos!

Congratulations on your accomplishment! Well done!
Don't forget the the sunscreen next time 😳

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😂 yes... I won't do these crazy things anymore. I'll put on an aqualung.


(Bloody translation... A space suit, or similar)