
Ruby Ridge was actually worse, because the feebs really tried to entrap him into the short-barrelled shotgun charge in order to extort him into snitching on his neighbors. The more you learn about Ruby Ridge, Waco, or OK, the worse all of them look.


Rule by force is the disease, who and how are symptoms.™

The more you hear about Ruby Ridge, the more you [redacted because these words are too strong for NSA ears]. It make my blood boil when i hear of the things they did.

And the whole thing was a setup.

This whole thing really frosts my cookies.
And there was no apology.

All of them got promoted and bigger retirements for life.
Paid for by slaves not cognizant enough to recognize their situations.

A government's law enforcements could do those.

Damn, thats cold.. 😒😣🥶

Welcome to 'murica.


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