Welcome to Not My Meme!

in Not My Meme!4 years ago

This is where you get to post all those memes that the hive needs to see, but you didn't make.

Simply set your rewards on the post to burn!

Or, you can try to get by the hivestasi and end up burning your rep.

No more warnings!

Set your rewards to burn, or get flagged!



Was thinking of joining the "NotMyMeme" group. but I seldom have memes I did not create... LOL! And no clue how to go about "burning" "payouts..." I loathe all the convolutions with crypto. LOL!


IF you click on that link it takes you to the community where there is a create post link.
Setting payouts to burn is done easily in the peakd settings.

I have no idea what it even means or what it does. LOL!

I have no clue what this means... LOL! Though I am an Ethical anarchist and agree with the meme. But what does it mean, setting things to "burn?" What does it mean to be "flagged?" Why is there a "hivestazi?" Is there an issue with hive I don't know about?

Setting your payout to burn sends the payout to @null and reduces hive in circulation.

Flagged is the original name for downvoting before the feelers crowd got it changed.

The 'hivestasi' are those folks that care about where the reward pool goes, they will visit you if you run into what they deem foul territory.
They are mostly reasonable.
Just support your assertions and they will back off if you are right.

The only large issue with hive right now is that too many folks are willing to sell for less than 5usd, imo.

Thanks. I guess I'm a bit dim... I don't grasp "reward pools," or what I could do to be in "foul territory..." Haha! And I have no clue how to set these "payouts" to anything... I'm not here for money. I'm here to show a vastly better way of doing things such that We ALL can live richly without having to account for Our energy added at all (without money).

I'm here to show a vastly better way of doing things such that We ALL can live richly without having to account for Our energy added at all (without money).

Yeah, me too.

As someone with those goals in the hive, you needn't worry about the politics of the hive.
They shouldn't impact on you.

Ah, good! LOL! I have little grasp of all the various forms of tokens listed in the "wallet." I'm used to "money or no money..." Not Money - but this is for this, and that is for that, and that other there... You can do that other thing. Confusing and cumbersome.

It's easy enough, once you have done it some.
Power up hive=bigger vote value.
After the hardfork you will need to put your hbd in the savings account, if you want interest on them.

I guess... I don't want any money, so... And I'm not sure what it means to have a "bigger vote value." And hardfork? Ah geez. [sigh] Can't there be a good, censorship-free, and STABLE platform? Steemit HFed, and now Hive??? My head hurts.

Neat. I like to burn stuff, without harming anyone, of course.